Nascut pe 11 octombrie 1953 in Hamilton, Massachusetts, USA, David Morse si-a inceput cariera dupa terminarea liceului, alaturandu-se teatrului Boston Repertory Theater in 1971. Urmatorii sase ani, David Morse a jucat in peste 30 de productii, pregatindu-se pentru o mutare la New York in 1977.
David Morse primeste primul rol substantial cand a fost distribuit in Inside Moves (1980) si in 1983 a jucat in comedia Max Dugan Returns (1983). Mergand mai departe cu cariera sa, Morse joaca in Hearts of Atlantis (2001) si in Diary of a City Priest (2001) pentru PBS.
Este casatorit cu Susan Wheeler Duff, cu care are doi baieti gemeni si o fata. Dupa cutremurul din California din 1994, s-a mutat in Philly cu familia, pentru a fi mai aproape de familia sotiei.
Din filmele in care a jucat mai amintim: The Indian Runner (1991), The Langoliers (1995), Proof of Life (2000); Dancer in the Dark (2000); The Slaughter Rule (2002); Hack (2002); Shuang tong (2002); Down in the Valley (2005); Dreamer: Inspired by a True Story (2005).
The Last Thing He Told Me (Serial thriller Apple+ 2023)
1. John Adams (2008) .... George Washington
2. Passengers (2008)
3. The Hurt Locker (2008) .... Col. Reed
4. Disturbia (2007) .... Mr. Turner
5. Hounddog (2007) .... Daddy
6. 16 Blocks (2006) .... Frank Nugent
7. A.W.O.L (2006) .... Marquette
8. Dreamer: Inspired by a True Story (2005) .... Palmer
9. Down in the Valley (2005) .... Wade
10. Nearing Grace (2005) .... Shep Nearing
11. Shuang tong (2002) .... Kevin Richter
12. The Slaughter Rule (2002) .... Gideon 'Gid' Ferguson
13. Hack (2002) .... Mike Olshansky
14. Hearts in Atlantis (2001) .... Adult Bobby Garfield
15. Diary of a City Priest (2001) .... Father John McNamee
16. Abraham and Mary Lincoln: A House Divided (2001) .... Abraham Lincoln
17. Proof of Life (2000) .... Peter Bowman
18. Bait (2000) .... Edgar Clenteen
19. Dancer in the Dark (2000) .... Bill Houston
20. The Green Mile (1999) .... Brutus "Brutal" Howell
21. Crazy in Alabama (1999) .... Dove Bullis
22. The Negotiator (1998) .... Cmdr. Adam Beck
23. The Legend of Pig Eye (1998)
24. Contact (1997) .... Ted Arroway
25. George B. (1997) .... George
26. Murder Live! (1997) .... Frank McGrath
27. The Rock (1996) .... Major Tom Baxter
28. The Long Kiss Goodnight (1996) .... Luke/Daedalus
29. Extreme Measures (1996) .... FBI Agent Frank Hare
30. Twelve Monkeys (1995) .... Dr. Peters
31. The Crossing Guard (1995) .... John Booth
32. The Taming Power of the Small (1995)
33. The Langoliers (1995) .... Captain Brian Engle
34. Magic Kid II (1994) .... Jack
35. The Getaway (1994) .... Jim Deer Jackson
36. The Good Son (1993) .... Jack
37. Miracle on Interstate 880 (1993) .... Dr. Jim Betts
38. The Indian Runner (1991) .... Joe Roberts
39. Two-Fisted Tales (1991) .... Tom
40. Cry in the Wild: The Taking of Peggy Ann (1991) .... Bicycle Pete
41. Desperate Hours (1990) .... Albert
42. Brotherhood of the Rose (1989) .... Remus
43. Personal Foul (1987)
44. Six Against the Rock (1987) .... Marvin Hubbard
45. Downpayment on Murder (1987) .... Det. Jackson
46. When Dreams Come True (1985) .... Robert Wynton
47. Shattered Vows (1984) .... Father Tim
48. Max Dugan Returns (1983) .... Shoe Store Cop
49. Prototype (1983) .... Michael
50. Inside Moves (1980) .... Jerry Maxwell
51. Pineapple Poll (1979) .... Jasper, Pot Boy at the Steam Packet
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