Originar din Royal Oak, Michigan, unde s-a nascut pe 22 iunie 1958, Bruce Campbell a absolvit Western Michigan University. La varsta de 21 de ani, impreuna cu inca doi prieteni, Sam Raimi si Rob Tapert, au imprumutat 350.000$ pentru a face un film horror. Rezultatul, ce a venit peste 4 ani, a fost Evil Dead, o capodopera horror. Filmul a avut mare succes in Anglia, iar Stephen King a fost impresionat de film la Cannes, si i-a ajutat sa relanseze filmul in SUA in 1983.
The Evil Dead II: Dead By Dawn a fost realizat in 1987, iar al treilea film din serie, Army of Drakness, in 1992.
Campbell a aparut in multe filme cu buget redus, asa numitele filme de categorie B, precum si in filmele fratilor Coen The Hudsucker Proxy si Fargo (1996). In televiziune, a aparut in mai multe seriale, cele mai importante western-ul The Adventures of Brisco County, Jr. si Jack of all Trades.
In anul 2001, Campbell si-a facut debutul literar cu Chins Could Kill: Confessions of a B-Movie Actor.
. Spider-Man 3 (2007) .... Maître d’
2. Aqua Teen Hunger Force Colon Movie Film for Theaters (2007) .... Chicken Bittle
3. Burn Notice (2007) .... Sam Axe / ...
4. My Name Is Bruce (2007) .... Bruce Campbell
5. Touch the Top of the World (2006) .... Ed Weihenmayer
6. The Ant Bully (2006) .... Fugax
7. The Woods (2006) .... Joe Fasulo
8. Sky High (2005) .... Coach Boomer
9. Man with the Screaming Brain (2005) .... William Cole
10. Alien Apocalypse (2005) .... Dr. Ivan Hood
11. Spider-Man 2 (2004) .... Snooty Usher
12. The Ladykillers (2004) .... Humane Society Worker
13. The 100 Scariest Movie Moments (2004) .... Himself
14. Intolerable Cruelty (2003) .... Soap opera actor on TV
15. Drugs (2003) .... Bruce
16. Hating Every Minute (2003) .... Himself
17. Bubba Ho-tep (2002) .... Elvis Presley/Sebastian Haff
18. Serving Sara (2002) .... Gordon Moore
19. Spider-Man (2002) .... Ring Announcer
20. Timequest (2002) .... William Roberts
21. Hatred of a Minute (2002) .... Soap Actor on TV
22. Terminal Invasion (2002) .... Jack
23. Masters of Horror (2002) .... Host
24. The Majestic (2001) .... Roland the Intrepid Explorer
25. Hubert's Brain (2001) .... Thompson
26. Icebreaker (2000) .... Carl Greig
27. The Making of 'Evil Dead II' or The Gore the Merrier (2000) .... Ash/Himself
28. Double Jeopardy (1999) .... Bartender at Party
29. From Dusk Till Dawn 2: Texas Blood Money (1999) .... Barry
30. The Men Behind the Army (1999) .... Himself
31. Patinoire, La (1998) .... Actor
32. Goldrush: A Real Life Alaskan Adventure (1998) .... Pierce Thomas 'PT' Madison
33. Running Time (1997) .... Carl
34. McHale's Navy (1997) .... Virgil
35. The Love Bug (1997) .... Hank Cooper
36. Escape from L.A. (1996) .... Surgeon General of Beverly Hills
37. Fargo (1996) .... Soap Opera Actor
38. Menno's Mind (1996) .... Mick Dourif, Rebel Leader
39. Tornado! (1996) .... Jake Thorne
40. Assault on Dome 4 (1996) .... Alex Windham
41. Congo (1995) .... Charles Travis, R.B.'s Son
42. The Demolitionist (1995) .... Raffle Winner
43. The Quick and the Dead (1995) .... Wedding Shemp
44. The Hudsucker Proxy (1994) .... Smitty, Argus Reporter
45. Waxwork II: Lost in Time (1992) .... John Loftmore
46. Army of Darkness (1992) .... Ash
47. Sundown: The Vampire in Retreat (1991) .... Robert Van Helsing
48. Lunatics: A Love Story (1991) .... Ray
49. Darkman (1990) .... Final Shemp
50. Maniac Cop 2 (1990) .... Jack Forrest
51. Mindwarp (1990) .... Stover
52. Moontrap (1989) .... Ray Tanner
53. Intruder (1989) .... Officer Howard
54. Maniac Cop (1988) .... Jack Forrest
55. The Dead Next Door (1988)
56. Evil Dead II (1987) .... Ashley 'Ash' J. Williams
57. Stryker's War (1985) .... Video Newscaster
58. Crimewave (1985) .... Renaldo 'The Heel'
59. Going Back (1984) .... Brice Chapman
60. The Evil Dead (1981) .... Ashley 'Ash' J. Williams
61. Torro. Torro. Torro! (1981)
62. Shemp Eats the Moon (1978) .... Shemp Malone
63. Within the Woods (1978) .... Bruce
64. It's Murder! (1977) .... Police Officer on Bicycle
65. Oedipus Rex (1975) .... Kreon
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