Kevin Kline - Biografie, filme și seriale

Kevin Kline s-a nascut in Midwest, in Saint Louis, Missouri pe 24 octombrie 1947. Avea sa joace pe scena in orasul sau natal in mai multe productii scolare. A continuat sa joace, pe cand era student la University at Bloomington si dupa absolvire s-a mutat la New York, unde a fost acceptat la Juilliard School. In 1972, Kline capata experienta alaturandu-se companiei New York's Acting, condusa la acea vreme de John Houseman. Merge in turneu cu compania prin tara, jucand in Shekespeare si castigand aclamatii pentru rolurile sale Romeo si Hamlet. Dupa o perioada, in care a jucat in serialul Search for Tomorrow, Kline debuteaza in film cu Sophie's Choice (1982) in regial lui Alan Pakula. A fost un inceput extrem de favorabil aducandu-i aclamatii si o nominalizare la Globul de Aur pentru rolul sau Nathan Landau. Anul urmator, a jucat in The Big Chill, in regial lui Lawrence Kasdan. Doi ani mai tarziu Kline si Kasdan aveau sa lucreze din nou impreuna la un nou success in Silverado

The Bob's Burgers Movie / Bob's Burgers: Filmul (2022)
1. As You Like It (2006) .... Jaques
2. The Tale of Despereaux (2008) .... Andre
3. Definitely, Maybe / Desigur... poate că (2008) .... Hampton Roth
4. Trade (2007) .... Ray
5. The Pink Panther (2006) .... Chief Inspector Dreyfus
6. A Prairie Home Companion (2006) .... Guy Noir
7. A Prairie Home Companion: Exclusive Sneak Peek (2006) .... Himself
8. De-Lovely (2004) .... Cole Porter
9. Something Fishy (2003) .... Himself
10. The Shakespeare Sessions (2003) .... Himself
11. The Emperor's Club (2002) .... William Hundert
12. Orange County (2002) .... Marcus Skinner
13. The Hunchback of Notre Dame II (2002) .... Phoebus
14. Life as a House (2001) .... George Monroe
15. The Anniversary Party (2001) .... Cal Gold
16. Character Building: Inside 'Life as a House' (2001) .... Himself
17. From the Ground Up (2001) .... Himself
18. The Road to El Dorado (2000) .... Tulio
19. The Kennedy Center Presents: Speak Truth to Power (2000) .... Various
20. Wild Wild West (1999) .... U.S. Marshal Artemus 'Artie' Gordon/President Ulysses Simpson Grant
21. A Midsummer Night's Dream (1999) .... Nick Bottom
22. It's... the Monty Python Story (1999) .... Himself
23. In & Out (1997) .... Howard Brackett
24. The Ice Storm (1997) .... Ben Hood
25. Fierce Creatures (1997) .... Vince McCain/Rod McCain
26. The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1996) .... Phoebus
27. French Kiss (1995) .... Luc Teyssier
28. Princess Caraboo (1994) .... Frixos
29. The Nutcracker (1993) .... Narrator
30. Dave (1993) .... Dave Kovic/President William Harrison 'Bill' Mitchell
31. Chaplin (1992) .... Douglas Fairbanks
32. Consenting Adults (1992) .... Richard Parker
33. Grand Canyon (1991) .... Mack
34. Soapdish (1991) .... Jeffrey Anderson/Dr. Rod Randall
35. I Love You to Death (1990) .... Joey Boca
36. January Man (1989) .... Nick Starkey
37. A Fish Called Wanda (1988) .... Otto
38. Cry Freedom (1987) .... Donald Woods
39. Violets Are Blue... (1986) .... Henry Squires
40. Silverado (1985) .... Paden
41. The Big Chill (1983) .... Harold Cooper
42. The Pirates of Penzance (1983) .... The Pirate King
43. He Makes Me Feel Like Dancin' (1983) .... Himself
44. Sophie's Choice (1982) .... Nathan Landau
45. The Pirates of Penzance (1980) .... The Pirate King
46. The 32nd Annual Tony Awards (1978) .... Himself - Winner: Best Performance by a Featured Actor in a Musical
47. The Time of Your Life (1976) .... McCarthy

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