Jeff Daniels

Jeff Daniels si-a facut debutul in filmul artistic al lui Milos Forman, Vremuri de restriste/ Ragtime, dar rolul sotului Debrei Winger din Vorbe de alint/ Terms of Endearment i-a deschis calea spre glorie. Woody Allen a fost printre primii care au identificat talentul si disponibilitatea lui pentru comedie si l-a distribuit in rolul principal din Trandafirul rosu din Cairo/ The Purple Rose of Cairo. A mai avut roluri in Atractie salbatica/ Something Wild, Sotia macelarului/ The Butcher’s Wife, Checking Out, Zborul spre casa/ Fly Away Home, 101 Dalmatieni/ 101 Dalmatians, Speed – Cursa infernala/ Speed, Pleasantville, Arachnophobia, Gettysburg, Tantalaul si Gogomanul/ Dumb and Dumber, Legatura de sange/ Blood Work, Orele/ The Hours, Zei si Generali/ Gods and Generals, Eroi imaginari/ Imaginary Heroes si Because of Winn-Dixie si Excursie cu surprize/ RV.

Daniels a aparut recent in doua filme nominalizate la Premiul Oscar: Goodnight, and Good Luck, regia George Clooney si Cainele si pisica/ The Squid and the Whale, scenariul si regia Noah Baumbach. Vor mai urma si alte filme in care joaca: The Lookout, cu Joseph Gordon Levitt si Mama’s Boy, cu Diane Keaton si Jon Heder.

Succesul lui Jeff Daniels nu se limiteaza doar la ecran: a avut aparitii pe Broadway in piesele lui Lanford Wilson "Redwood Curtain" si "Fifth of July", care i-a adus Premiul Drama Desk la categoria "Cel mai bun actor in rol secundar". Off Broadway, Daniels a avut nominalizare la premiul Drama Desk pentru rolul din Lemon Sky, precum si un premiu Obie pentru interpretarea din productia Circle Repertory Company Johnny Got His Gun. In plus, este fondator si director executiv al companiei Purple Rose Theatre Company in orasul sau natal Chelsea, Michigan. Este un cantaret/compzitor desavarsit, cu CD, Jeff Daniels – Live and Unplugged.

Traitor / Trădător (2008)
6. RV (2006) .... Travis Gornicke
7. RV Nation: The Culture of Road Warriors (2006) .... Himself
8. Because of Winn-Dixie (2005) .... Preacher
9. The Squid and the Whale (2005) .... Bernard Berkman
10. Good Night, and Good Luck. (2005) .... Sig Mickelson
11. The CMT Music Awards (2005) .... Presenter
12. Imaginary Heroes (2004) .... Ben Travis
13. The Goodbye Girl (2004) .... Elliot Garfield
14. The Five People You Meet in Heaven (2004) .... Blue Man
15. I Witness (2003) .... James Rhodes
16. Gods and Generals (2003) .... Lt. Col. Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain
17. Gods and Generals: Journey to the Past (2003)
18. Blood Work (2002) .... Jasper 'Buddy' Noone
19. Super Sucker (2002) .... Fred Barlow
20. Making 'Blood Work' (2002) .... Himself
21. Escanaba in da Moonlight (2001) .... Rueben Soady
22. Chasing Sleep (2000) .... Ed Saxon
23. Cheaters (2000) .... Dr. Gerard Plecki
24. The Crossing (2000) .... Gen. George Washington
25. All the Rage (1999) .... Warren
26. My Favorite Martian (1999) .... Tim O'Hara
27. Pleasantville (1998) .... Mr. Johnson
28. Saturday Night Live: The Best of Chris Farley (1998) .... Himself
29. Trial and Error (1997) .... Charles 'Charlie' Tuttle
30. 2 Days in the Valley (1996) .... Alvin Strayer
31. 101 Dalmatians (1996) .... Roger
32. Fly Away Home (1996) .... Thomas "Tom" Alden
33. Redwood Curtain (1995) .... Lyman Fellers
34. Dumb & Dumber (1994) .... Harry Dunne
35. Speed (1994) .... Det. Harold 'Harry' Temple
36. The Making of 'Speed' (1994) .... Himself
37. Gettysburg (1993) .... Col. Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain
38. There Goes the Neighborhood (1992) .... Willis Embry
39. Rain Without Thunder (1992) .... Jonathan Garson
40. Grand Tour: Disaster in Time (1992) .... Ben Wilson
41. Teamster Boss: The Jackie Presser Story (1992) .... Tom Noonan
42. The Butcher's Wife (1991) .... Dr. Alex Tremor
43. Love Hurts (1991) .... Paul Weaver
44. Ucieczka z kina 'Wolnosc' (1991) ....
45. The Story of America's Classic Ballparks (1991) .... Narrator
46. Welcome Home, Roxy Carmichael (1990) .... Denton Webb
47. Arachnophobia (1990) .... Dr. Ross Jennings
48. Checking Out (1989) .... Ray Macklin
49. No Place Like Home (1989) .... Mike
50. Sweet Hearts Dance (1988) .... Sam Manners
51. The House on Carroll Street (1988) .... Cochran
52. Tanner '88 (1988) .... State Park Ranger (episode "The Girlfriend Factor")
53. The Caine Mutiny Court-Martial (1988) .... Lt. Steve Maryk
54. Radio Days (1987) .... Biff Baxter
55. Something Wild (1986) .... Charles Driggs
56. Heartburn (1986) .... Richard
57. The Purple Rose of Cairo (1985) .... Tom Baxter, Gil Shepherd
58. Marie (1985) .... Eddie Sisk
59. Terms of Endearment (1983) .... Flap Horton
60. An Invasion of Privacy (1983) .... Francis Ryan
61. Fifth of July (1982) .... Jed Jenkins
62. Ragtime (1981) .... Sgt. Frankie O'Donnell

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