Christopher Walken s-a nascut in Queens, pe 13 martie 1943, numele sau real fiind Roland Walken, si este cel mai mic dintre cei trei copii ai familiei. Prima experienta pentru Christopher Walken a fost la 14 luni, cand a pozat pentru un calendar. A inceput sa ia lectii de dans, si la 10 ani era deja o prezenta obisnuita in cadrul emisiunilor radio si a sitcomului The Wonderful John Action.
Christopher Walken si fratii sai s-au inscris apoi la New York's Professional Children's School. In 1961 a intrat la Hofstra University. La un an dupa, a primit un rol in productia Broadway Best Foot Forward, unde a jucat alaturi de colega sa de clasa Liza Minelli, si s-a decis sa abandoneze scoala.
Urmatorii ani a aparut in diferite music-hall-uri, cum ar fi cel din 1964 West Side Story, unde a intalnit-o pe Monique Van Vooren, cu care s-a casatorit in 1969. In 1965, Roland a decis ca numele Christopher Walken suna mai bine decat Roland, si s-a hotarat sa isi acest nume de scena. In 1966 a aparut in productia Broadway The Lion in Winter (Leul in iarna).
A debutat in film in 1968 cu Me and My Brother, regizat de Robert Frank, iar in 1972 a aparut in filmul SF The Mind Snatchers. A atras pentru prima oara atentia asupra sa cu rolul din filmul lui Paul Mazursky, Next Stop, Greenwich Village, urmat de unrol mic, dar memorabil in filmul lui Woody Allen, Annie Hall.
Marele succes al lui Walken a fost insa in 1978, odata cu aparitia in filmul The Deer Hunter, unde a avut rolul Nick, fost luptator in Vietnam. Rolul i-a adus un premiu Oscar pentru cel mai bun actor in rol secundar. Walken a continuat sa scrie, sa regizeze si sa apara in numeorase productii Broadway; a primit o nominalizare la Oscar pentru rolul din Catch Me if You Can; a aparut in filme ca Sleepy Hollow, The Affair of the Necklace si The Country Bears.
Cateva din filmele in care Christopher Walken a aparut sunt: Envy (2004), The Stepford Wives (2004), Gigli (2003), Kangaroo Jack (2003), Poolhall Junkies (2003), The Rundown (2003), The Affair of the Necklace (2001), America's Sweethearts (2001), Joe Dirt (2001), Blast From the Past (1999), Illuminata (1999), Vendetta (1999), Mouse Hunt (1997), Touch (1997), Basquiat (1996), The Funeral (1996), Last Man Standing (1996), Pulp Fiction (1994), Day of Atonement (1993), True Romance (1993), Batman Returns (1992), Scam (1992), King of New York (1990), Puss-In-Boots (1988), A View to a Kill (1985), Dogs of War (1981), The Sentinel (1977) si The Mind Snatchers (1972).
Dune: Part Two / Dune: Partea II
Wild Mountain Thyme (2020)
1. Envy (2004) .... J-Man
2. Hairspray (2007) .... Wilbur Turnblad
3. Balls of Fury (2007) .... Feng
4. Click (2006) .... Morty
5. Man of the Year (2006) .... Jack Menken
6. Fade to Black (2006) .... Brewster
7. Wedding Crashers / Spărgătorii de nunți (2005) .... Secretary Cleary
8. Romance & Cigarettes (2005) .... Cousin Bo
9. True Crime: New York City (2005) .... Gabriel Whitting
10. Around the Bend (2004) .... Turner Lair
11. The Stepford Wives (2004) .... Mike Wellington
12. Man on Fire (2004) .... Rayburn
13. Saturday Night Live: The Best of Christopher Walken (2004) .... Himself/Various
14. The Rundown: Rumble in the Jungle (2004) .... Himself
15. The Rundown (2003) .... Hatcher
16. Gigli (2003) .... Det. Stanley Jacobellis
17. Kangaroo Jack (2003) .... Sal Maggio
18. Catch Me If You Can (2002) .... Frank Abagnale, Sr.
19. Julius Caesar (2002) .... Marcus Cato
20. Plots with a View (2002) .... Frank Featherbed
21. Engine Trouble (2002) .... Rusty
22. The Country Bears (2002) .... Reed Thimple
23. Poolhall Junkies (2002) .... Mike
24. The Affair of the Necklace (2001) .... Count Cagliostro
25. America's Sweethearts (2001) .... Hal Weidmann
26. Joe Dirt (2001) .... Clem
27. Scotland, Pa. (2001) .... Lieutenant McDuff
28. Jungle Juice (2001) .... Roy
29. The Dirt (2001) .... Ozzy Osbourne
30. The Opportunists (2000) .... Victor 'Vic' Kelly
31. The Prophecy 3: The Ascent (2000) .... Gabriel
32. Kiss Toledo Goodbye (1999) .... Max
33. Sleepy Hollow (1999) .... The Hessian Horseman
34. Blast from the Past (1999) .... Calvin Webber
35. Madonna: The Video Collection 93:99 (1999) .... Guardian Angel
36. Vendetta (1999) .... James Houston
37. Sarah, Plain and Tall: Winter's End (1999) .... Jacob Witting
38. Antz (1998) .... Colonel Cutter
39. Trance (1998) .... Uncle Bill Ferriter
40. New Rose Hotel (1998) .... Fox
41. Illuminata (1998) .... Bevalaqua
42. The Prophecy II (1998) .... Gabriel
43. Mousehunt (1997) .... Caeser, the Exterminator
44. Suicide Kings (1997) .... Carlo Bartolucci/Charlie Barret
45. Excess Baggage (1997) .... Raymond 'Ray' Perkins
46. Touch (1997) .... Bill Hill
47. Last Man Standing (1996) .... Hickey
48. The Funeral (1996) .... Ray
49. Basquiat (1996) .... The Interviewer
50. Celluloide (1996)
51. Privateer 2: The Darkening (1996) .... David Hassan
52. Nick of Time (1995) .... Mr. Smith
53. The Addiction (1995) .... Peina
54. The Prophecy (1995) .... Gabriel
55. Things to Do in Denver When You're Dead (1995) .... The Man With The Plan
56. Search and Destroy (1995) .... Kim Ulander
57. Wild Side (1995) .... Bruno Buckingham
58. Pulp Fiction (1994) .... Captain Koons
59. A Business Affair (1994) .... Vanni Corso
60. Wayne's World 2 (1993) .... Bobby Cahn
61. True Romance (1993) .... Vincenzo Coccotti
62. Scam (1993) .... Jack Shanks
63. Skylark (1993) .... Jacob Witting
64. Grand pardon II, Le (1992) .... Pasco Meisner
65. Batman Returns (1992) .... Max Shreck
66. Mistress (1992) .... Warren Zell
67. All-American Murder (1992) .... P.J. Decker
68. McBain (1991) .... McBain
69. Sarah, Plain and Tall (1991) .... Jacob Witting
70. King of New York (1990) .... Frank White
71. The Comfort of Strangers (1990) .... Robert
72. Communion (1989) .... Whitley Strieber
73. Homeboy (1988) .... Wesley Pendergass
74. Biloxi Blues (1988) .... Sgt. Toomey
75. The Milagro Beanfield War (1988) .... Kyril Montana
76. Cannon Movie Tales: Puss in Boots (1988) .... Puss
77. Deadline (1987) .... Don Stevens
78. Happy Anniversary 007: 25 Years of James Bond (1987) ....
79. At Close Range (1986) .... Brad Whitewood Sr.
80. A View to a Kill (1985) .... Max Zorin
81. The Dead Zone (1983) .... Johnny Smith
82. Brainstorm (1983) .... Dr. Michael Anthony Brace
83. Who Am I This Time? (1982) .... Harry Nash
84. Pennies from Heaven (1981) .... Tom
85. The Dogs of War (1981) .... Jamie Shannon
86. Heaven's Gate (1980) .... Nathan D. Champion
87. Last Embrace (1979) .... Eckart
88. The Deer Hunter (1978) .... Nikonar 'Nick' Chevotarevich
89. Shoot the Sun Down (1978) .... Mr. Rainbow
90. Annie Hall (1977) .... Duane Hall
91. The Sentinel (1977) .... Det. Rizzo
92. Roseland (1977) .... Russel
93. Next Stop, Greenwich Village (1976) .... Robert
94. The Happiness Cage (1972) .... Pvt. James H. Reese
95. The Anderson Tapes (1971) .... The Kid
96. Me and My Brother (1969)
97. The Three Musketeers (1969) .... Felton
98. Barefoot in Athens (1966) .... Lamprocles
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