Bob Hoskins s-a nascut in Burry St. Edmunds, Suffolk, pe 26 octombrie 1942, iar de la 2 ani a crescut in Londra. La 15 ani a abandonat scoala si a inceput sa lucreze. La 25 de ani a intrat in actorie si a putut fi vazut in pe scena ca membru al Teatrului Regal si Teatrului National, dar si ca membru al unor trupe, cum ar fi The Royal Shakespeare Company.
A debutat in film in 1972 cu un rol minor in comedia Up The Front. 3 ani mai tarziu primeste un rol mai important in Inserts, iar in 1980 da lovitura cu rolul unui gangster, in filmul The Long Good Friday. 6 ani mai tarziu poate fi vazut in Mona Lisa. Perfomanta din acest film i-a adus premiul pentru cel mai bun actor la Academia Britanica de Film, Cannes si Asociatia Criticilor de Film din New York, si o nominalizare la premiul Oscar.
Cu filmul Who Framed Roger Rabbit? din 1988, devine cunoscut si in America. Primeste o nominalizare la Globul de Aur petru acest rol.
Hoskins a aparut atat in filme americane cat si britanice, dintre care amintim: Mermaids (1990), unde a fost iubitul lui Cher, Heart Condition (1990), unde a avut rolul unui detectiv rasist, si Nixon (1995), unde l-a interpetat pe J. Edgar Hoover.
In 1997 a aparut in Twentyfourseven rol ce i-a adus premiul pentru cel mai bun actor la Festivalul de Film European. Hoskins de asemenea lucreaza si in spatele camerei. In 1989 a debutat ca regizor si scenarist cu filmul Raggedy Rawney, o drama despre o banda de tigani din cel de-al doile razboi mondial. A fost si producator executiv la The Secret Agent in 1996. A colaborat cu HBO la clasicele Tales from the Crypt si Tube Tales (1999).
1. A Christmas Carol (2009) .... Mr. Fezziwig
Doomsday / Sfârșitul lumii (2008)
2. Outlaw (2007)
3. Sparkle (2007) .... Vince
4. Go Go Tales (2007) .... The Baron
5. The Englishman's Boy (2007) .... Damon Ira Chance
6. Hollywoodland (2006) .... Eddie Mannix
7. MovieReal: Hollywoodland (2006) .... Himself
8. The Wind in the Willows (2006) .... Badger
9. Danny the Dog (2005) .... Bart
10. Son of the Mask (2005) .... Odin
11. Stay (2005) .... Dr. Leon Patterson
12. Mrs Henderson Presents (2005) .... Vivian Van Damm
13. Vanity Fair (2004) .... Sir Pitt Crawley
14. Beyond the Sea (2004) .... Charlie Maffia
15. Papa buono, Il (2003) .... Angelo Roncalli/Pope John XXIII
16. The Sleeping Dictionary (2003) .... Henry
17. Den of Lions (2003) .... Darius Paskevic
18. Where Eskimos Live (2002) .... Sharkey
19. Maid in Manhattan / Camerista (2002) .... Lionel Bloch, Beresford Butler
20. Enemy at the Gates (2001) .... Nikita Khrushchev
21. Last Orders (2001) .... Ray 'Raysie' Johnson
22. The Lost World (2001) .... Prof. George Challenger
23. American Virgin (2000) .... Joey
24. Noriega: God's Favorite (2000) .... Manuel Noriega
25. Don Quixote (2000) .... Sancho Panza
26. Let the Good Times Roll (1999)
27. Parting Shots (1999) .... Gerd Layton
28. Captain Jack (1999) .... Jack Armistead
29. Felicia's Journey (1999) .... Hilditch
30. A Room for Romeo Brass (1999) .... Steven Laws
31. The White River Kid (1999) .... Brother Edgar
32. From Star Wars to Star Wars: The Story of Industrial Light & Magic (1999) .... Himself
33. Cousin Bette (1998) .... Cesar Crevel
34. 24 7: Twenty Four Seven (1997) .... Alan Darcy
35. Spice World (1997) .... Geri's Disguise
36. Rainbow (1996) .... Frank Bailey
37. The Secret Agent (1996) .... Verloc
38. Michael (1996) .... Vartan Malt
39. The Forgotten Toys (1995) .... Teddy
40. Nixon (1995) .... J. Edgar Hoover
41. Balto (1995) .... Boris the Goose
42. The Changeling (1994) .... De Flores
43. World War II: When Lions Roared (1994) .... Winston Churchill
44. The Big Freeze (1993) .... Sidney, plumber's mate
45. Super Mario Bros. (1993) .... Mario Mario
46. Passed Away (1992) .... Johnny Scanlan
47. Blue Ice (1992) .... Sam Garcia
48. Hook (1991) .... Smee, Captain Hook's Servant/Garbage Sweeper in Kensington Gardens
49. The Inner Circle (1991) .... Beria
50. Shattered (1991) .... Gus Klein
51. The Favour, the Watch and the Very Big Fish (1991) .... Louis Aubinard
52. Mermaids (1990) .... Lou Landsky
53. Heart Condition (1990) .... Jack Moony
54. The Raggedy Rawney (1988) .... Darky
55. Who Framed Roger Rabbit (1988) .... Eddie Valiant
56. The Lonely Passion of Judith Hearne (1987) .... James Madden
57. A Prayer for the Dying (1987) .... Father Michael Da Costa
58. The Secret Policeman's Third Ball (1987) .... The Secret Policeman
59. Mona Lisa (1986) .... George
60. Sweet Liberty (1986) .... Stanley Gould
61. Mussolini: The Decline and Fall of Il Duce (1985) .... Benito Mussolini
62. Brazil (1985) .... Spoor
63. The Woman Who Married Clark Gable (1985) .... George
64. The Dunera Boys (1985) .... Morrie Mendellsohn
65. The Cotton Club (1984) .... Owney Madden
66. Lassiter (1984) .... Inspector John Becker
67. The Honorary Consul (1983) .... Colonel Perez
68. The Beggar's Opera (1983) .... Beggar
69. Pink Floyd The Wall (1982) .... Rock and Roll Manager
70. Othello (1981) .... Iago
71. The Long Good Friday (1980) .... Harold Shand
72. Flickers (1980) .... Arnie Cole
73. Zulu Dawn (1979) .... C.S.M. Williams
74. Of Mycenae and Men (1979) .... Mr. Taramasalatopoulos
75. Brecht and Co (1979) .... Member of Brecht's company/Prologue
76. Pennies from Heaven (1978) .... Arthur Parker
77. Kill Two Birds (1976) .... Sammy Draper
78. Royal Flash (1975) .... Police Constable
79. Shoulder to Shoulder (1974) .... Jack Dunn
80. Inserts (1974) .... Big Mac
81. The National Health (1973) .... Foster
82. Up the Front (1972) .... Recruiting Sergeant
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