Sean Connery - Biografie, filme și seriale

Biografia si filmele in care a jucat actorul scotian Sean Connery. Vedeti in cate filme cu James Bond a aparut si ce alte roluri a mai avut actorul Sean Connery de-a lungul careirei lui foarte lungi.

Sean Connery s-a nascut intr-o familie scotiana din clasa mijlocie. Nemultumit de mediul auster in care traia, Sean Connery abandoneaza scoala la varsta de 15 ani si intra in marina (el inca poarta tatuajele pe care are inscriptionat "Scotland Forever" si "Mum and Dad"). A mai lucrat in cateva domenii, dupa care devine interesat de body-building, ceea ce il determina sa apara in cateva reclame din modeling si primeste o oferta de a participa la "Mr. Universe".

Hotaraste sa incerce si in actorie, astfel apare in productia londoneza South Pacific in 1951. Avea sa apara in filme, mici aparitii (figuratie in Lilacs in the Spring 1954) si in cateva roluri secundare.

Primul lui rol important il are in Another Time, Another Place (1958) alaturi de Lana Turner. Dupa cativa ani de intense participari in film si in televiziune, Sean Connery a fost distribuit in rolul Bond in Dr. No (1962).

A fost din nou James Bond in filmul Goldfinger (1964), moment de la care atat Sean Connery cat si agentul secret au devenit un succes in box-office si curand a fost urmat de urmatorul film al agentului 007, Thunderball (1965). A incercat sa dovedeasca audientei si criticilor ca putea juca si alte genuri, nu doar James Bond, aparand in Woman of Straw (1964), un emigrant in filmul lui Hitchcock, Marnie (1964), in The Hill (1965) si un poet lunatic din Greenwich Village in A Fine Madness (1966).

Sean Connery a castigat un premiu Oscar in 1987 si un premiu Globul de Aur in 1988 pentru cel mai bun actor in rol secundar cu The Untouchables, in 1987 a castigat un premiu al academiei Britanice pentru cel mai bun actor cu The Name of the Rose (1986) si in 1999 premiu cel mai bun actor european la alegerea publicului din partea European Film Academy cu Entrapment.

Sean Connery a murit în somn la 31 octombrie 2020, la vârsta de 90 de ani, în casa sa din comunitatea Lyford Cay din Nassau, în Bahamas. Moartea sa a fost anunțată de familia sa și de Eon Productions, deși nu au dezvăluit cauza morții, fiul său Jason a spus că nu se simțea bine de ceva timp.

1. AFI Life Achievement Award: A Tribute to Sean Connery (2006) .... Himself
2. Premiere Bond: Opening Nights (2006) .... Himself
3. Ken Adam's Production Films: Thunderball (2006) .... Himself
4. Ken Adam's Production Films: You Only Live Twice (2006) .... Himself
5. James Bond 007: From Russia with Love (2005) .... James Bond 007
6. The Untouchables: The Script, the Cast (2004) .... Himself
7. The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (2003) .... Allan Quatermain
8. Indiana Jones: Making the Trilogy (2003) .... Himself
9. Queen: Greatest Video Hits 2 (2003) .... Juan Sanchez Villa-Lobos Ramirez - segment 'Princes of the Universe'
10. Finding Forrester (2000) .... William Forrester
11. Inside 'Dr. No' (2000) .... Himself
12. Double-O Stunts (2000) .... James Bond
13. Silhouettes: The James Bond Titles (2000) .... Himself as James Bond
14. The Music of James Bond (2000) .... Himself as James Bond
15. Inside 'The Living Daylights' (2000) .... Himself
16. Inside Q's Laboratory (2000) .... Himself as James Bond
17. Ken Adam: Designing Bond (2000) .... Himself as James Bond
18. Inside 'Diamonds Are Forever' (2000) .... Himself
19. Entrapment (1999) .... Robert MacDougal
20. The Kennedy Center Honors: A Celebration of the Performing Arts (1999) .... Himself
21. Playing by Heart (1998) .... Paul
22. The Avengers (1998) .... Sir August de Wynter
23. The Secrets of 007: The James Bond Files (1997) .... James Bond
24. The Making of 'Dragonheart' (1997) .... Draco
25. The Rock (1996) .... John Patrick Mason
26. Dragonheart (1996) .... Draco
27. First Knight (1995) .... King Arthur
28. Just Cause (1995) .... Paul Armstrong
29. In Search of James Bond with Jonathan Ross (1995) .... Himself as James Bond 1
30. Behind the Scenes with 'Goldfinger' (1995) .... Himself
31. A Good Man in Africa (1994) .... Dr. Alex Murray
32. Rising Sun (1993) .... Capt. John Connor
33. The Princess and the Cobbler (1993) .... Tack the Cobbler
34. Medicine Man (1992) .... Dr. Robert Campbell
35. Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves (1991) .... King Richard
36. Highlander II: The Quickening (1991) .... Juan Sánchez Villa-Lobos Ramírez
37. The Russia House (1990) .... Bartholomew 'Barley' Scott Blair
38. The Hunt for Red October (1990) .... Captain Marko Ramius
39. Family Business (1989) .... Jessie McMullen
40. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989) .... Professor Henry Jones
41. The Presidio (1988) .... Lt. Col. Alan Caldwell
42. The 60th Annual Academy Awards (1988) .... Himself - Winner: Best Actor in a Supporting Role & Presenter: Best Visual Effects
43. The Untouchables (1987) .... Jim Malone
44. Happy Anniversary 007: 25 Years of James Bond (1987) .... Himself
45. Name der Rose, Der (1986) .... William of Baskerville
46. Highlander (1986) .... Juan Sanchez Villa-Lobos Ramirez
47. Sword of the Valiant: The Legend of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight (1984) .... The Green Knight
48. Never Say Never Again (1983) .... James Bond
49. Wrong Is Right (1982) .... Patrick Hale
50. Five Days One Summer (1982) .... Douglas Meredith

51. Time Bandits (1981) .... King Agamemnon/Fireman
52. Outland (1981) .... Marshal William T. O'Niel
53. Cuba (1979) .... Maj. Robert Dapes
54. Meteor (1979) .... Dr. Paul Bradley
55. The First Great Train Robbery (1979) .... Edward Pierce/John Simms/Geoffrey
56. A Bridge Too Far (1977) .... Maj. Gen. Roy Urquhart
57. The Next Man (1976) .... Khalil Abdul-Muhsen
58. Robin and Marian (1976) .... Robin Hood
59. The Man Who Would Be King (1975) .... Daniel Dravot
60. The Wind and the Lion (1975) .... Mulay Achmed Mohammed el-Raisuli the Magnificent
61. Ransom (1975) .... Nils Tahlvik
62. Murder on the Orient Express (1974) .... Colonel Arbuthnot
63. Zardoz (1974) .... Zed
64. The Offence (1972) .... Detective Sergeant Johnson
65. Diamonds Are Forever (1971) .... James Bond
66. The Anderson Tapes (1971) .... John Anderson
67. The Molly Maguires (1970) .... Jack Kehoe
68. Male of the Species (1969) .... McNeill
69. Krasnaya palatka (1969) .... Roald Amundsen
70. Shalako (1968) .... Moses Zebulon 'Shalako' Carlin
71. You Only Live Twice (1967) .... James Bond
72. A Fine Madness (1966) .... Samson Shillitoe
73. Thunderball (1965) .... James Bond
74. The Hill (1965) .... Trooper Joe Roberts
75. The Incredible World of James Bond (1965) ....
76. Goldfinger (1964) .... James Bond
77. Woman of Straw (1964) .... Anthony Richmond
78. Marnie (1964) .... Mark Rutland
79. From Russia with Love (1963) .... James Bond
80. Dr. No (1962) .... James Bond
81. The Longest Day (1962) .... Pvt. Flanagan
82. The Frightened City (1961) .... Paddy Damion
83. On the Fiddle (1961) .... Pedlar Pascoe
84. Macbeth (1961) .... Macbeth
85. An Age of Kings (1960) .... Hotspur
86. Colombe (1960) .... Julien
87. Tarzan's Greatest Adventure (1959) .... O'Bannion
88. Darby O'Gill and the Little People (1959) .... Michael McBride
89. The Crucible (1959) .... John Proctor
90. The Square Ring (1959) .... Rick Martell
91. Another Time, Another Place (1958) .... Mark Trevor
92. Time Lock (1957) .... Welder #2
93. Action of the Tiger (1957) .... Mike
94. Hell Drivers (1957) .... Johnny Kates
95. No Road Back (1957) .... Spike
96. Blood Money (1957)
97. Anna Christie (1957) .... Mat Burke
98. Requiem for a Heavyweight (1957)

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