Christian Slater, pe numele sau real Christian Michael Leonard Hawkins, s-a nascut la 18 august 1969 in New York, Statele Unite.
Vedeta a debutat in actorie la varsta de 8 ani, dupa ce mama sa l-a distribuit in serialul TV One Life to Live. Anul urmator, a aparut pe Broadway, alaturi de Dick Van Dyke in piesa The Music Man.
A urmat filmul TV Living Proof: The Hank Williams Junior Story (1983), iar doi ani mai tarziu, Christian Slater a debutat pe marele ecran, avea doar 16 ani, in filmul The Legend of Billy Jean. Primele aprecieri din partea criticilor le primeste dupa ce apare alaturi de Sean Connery in filmul Numele Trandafirului (1986). A aparut apoi in Tucker, a Man and His Dream (1988), urmat de multe alte filme, devenind insa o vedeta consacrata abia dupa aparitia alaturi de Winona Ryder in Heathers.
In 1989, Christian Slater a fost arestat de catre politie pentru ca condus sub influenta bauturilor alcoolice, si pentru ca in timpul arestarii a lovit un politist cu bocancul. In 1994 a fost arestat din nou, pentru ca a incercat sa urce intr-un avion cu pistolul.
In 1998 a fost condamnat la 90 zile inchisoare pentru ca si-a lovit prietena si un politist, la numai o zi dupa ce avusese loc premiera ultimului sau film, Hard Rain. Dupa executarea pedepsei, a admis ca se droga cu heroina si cocaina. A fost nevoit sa urmeze un program de reabilitare si dezintoxicare.
A aparut si in filme ca: Mindhunters (2004), Living in the '80s (2003), Masked and Anonymous (2003), Hard Cash (2002), Windtalkers (2002), 3000 Miles to Graceland (2001), Love Stinks (1999), Bed of Roses (1996), Broken Arrow (1996), Interview with the Vampire (1994), True Romance (1993), Mobsters (1991), Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves (1991), Young Guns 2 (1990), The Wizard (1989), The Name of the Rose (1986), The Legend of Billie Jean (1985) si The Haunted Mansion Mystery (1983).
Freelance / Bodyguardul: Misiune în junglă (Film de acțiune 2023)
Fleishman Is in Trouble (Serial dramă 2022)
Willow (Serial acțiune Disney+ 2022)
1. Quantum Quest: A Cassini Space Odyssey (2009) .... Jammer
Igor (2008)
2. He Was a Quiet Man (2007) .... Bob Maconel
3. The Ten Commandments (2007) .... Moses
Bobby (2006)
4. Hollow Man II (2006) .... Michael Griffin
5. The Deal (2005) .... Tom Hanson
6. Alone in the Dark (2005) .... Edward Carnby
7. Churchill: The Hollywood Years (2004) .... Winston Churchill
8. Pursued (2004) .... Vincent Palmer
9. The Good Shepherd (2004) .... Daniel Clemens
10. Mindhunters (2004) .... J.D. Reston
11. Masked and Anonymous (2003) .... Crew Guy #1
12. Dinosaur Planet (2003) .... Narrator
13. Windtalkers (2002) .... Sergeant Ox Henderson
14. Run for the Money (2002) .... Taylor
15. Naked Movie (2002) .... Himself
16. Hollywood Salutes Nicolas Cage: An American Cinematheque Tribute (2002) .... Himself/Presenter
17. Zoolander (2001) .... NULL
18. Who Is Cletis Tout? (2001) .... Trevor Allen Finch
19. 3000 Miles to Graceland (2001) .... Hanson
20. Road to Graceland (2001) .... Hansen
21. The Contender (2000) .... Rep. Reginald Webster
22. Love Stinks (1999) .... Eddie
23. White Lies (1999) .... Zach
24. Very Bad Things (1998) .... Robert Boyd
25. Basil (1998) .... John Mannion
26. Hard Rain (1998) .... Tom
27. Julian Po (1997) .... Julian Po
28. Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery (1997) .... Easily Fooled Security Guard
29. Broken Arrow (1996) .... Capt. Riley Hale
30. Bed of Roses (1996) .... Lewis Farrell
31. Murder in the First (1995) .... James Stamphill
32. Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles (1994) .... Daniel Malloy
33. Jimmy Hollywood (1994) .... William
34. True Romance (1993) .... Clarence Worley
35. Untamed Heart (1993) .... Adam
36. MTV Video Music Awards 1993 (1993) .... Himself - Host
37. Where the Day Takes You (1992) .... Social Worker
38. FernGully: The Last Rainforest (1992) .... Pips
39. Kuffs (1992) .... George Kuffs
40. Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country (1991) .... Ens. Slater (Excelsior Communications Officer)
41. Mobsters (1991) .... Charlie 'Lucky' Luciano
42. Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves (1991) .... Will Scarlett
43. Young Guns II (1990) .... Arkansas Dave Rudabaugh
44. Pump Up the Volume (1990) .... Mark Hunter
45. Tales from the Darkside: The Movie (1990) .... Andy
46. The Wizard (1989) .... Nick
47. Beyond the Stars (1989) .... Eric Michaels
48. Heathers (1989) .... Jason 'J.D.' Dean
49. Gleaming the Cube (1989) .... Brian Kelly
50. The Edge (1989)
51. Desperate for Love (1989) .... Cliff Petrie
52. Tucker: The Man and His Dream (1988) .... Junior Tucker
53. Name der Rose, Der (1986) .... Adso of Melk
54. Twisted (1986) .... Mark Collins
55. The Legend of Billie Jean (1985) .... Binx
56. The Haunted Mansion Mystery (1983) .... Billy
57. Living Proof: The Hank Williams, Jr. Story (1983) .... Walt Willey
58. A Case of the Stubborns (1984) .... Jody Toliver
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