Originar din Canada, Donald Sutherland, pe numele sau real Donald McNichol Sutherland, s-a nascut in New Brunswick pe 27 iulie 1934. Crescut in Bridgewater, Nova Scotia, a fost de mic foarte interesat de industria divertismentului, devenind DJ la radio, cand avea doar 14 ani.
In 1964 avea sa debuteze in filmul horror italian Il Castello dei Morti Vivi (The Castle of the Living Dead). Avea sa primeasca primul sau rol important in 1967 cand Robert Aldrich l-a distribuit in filmul de succes The Dirty Dozen.
Incepand cu anii '70, Donald Sutherland avea sa devina vedeta datorita rolurilor din filmele Start the Revolution without Me si MASH (ambele in 1970).
Donald Sutherland a avut o carieră de succes, care continuă să fie la fel și azi. Este tatăl actorului Kiefer Sutherland.
Mr. Harrigan's Phone / Telefonul domnului Harrigan (Film horror Netflix 2022)
Moonfall (2022)
1. Fool's Gold / Aurul nebunilor (2008) .... Nigel
2. Reign Over Me / Acoperă-mi inima (2007) .... Judge Raines
3. Puffball (2007) .... Lars
4. Trumbo (2007) .... Himself
5. Ask the Dust (2006) .... Hellfrick
6. Land of the Blind (2006) .... Thorne
7. Human Trafficking (2005) .... Customs Agent Bill Meehan
8. American Gun (2005) .... Carl Wilk
9. Pride & Prejudice (2005) .... Mr. Bennet
10. Aurora Borealis (2005) .... Ronald Shorter
11. Fierce People (2005) .... Ogden C. Osborne
12. An American Haunting (2005) .... John Bell
13. 'Salem's Lot (2004) .... Richard Straker
14. Cold Mountain (2003) .... Reverend Monroe
15. The Italian Job (2003) .... John Bridger
16. Baltic Storm (2003) .... Lou Aldryn
17. Piazza delle cinque lune (2003) .... Rosario Sarracino
18. Path to War (2002) .... Clark Clifford
19. The 74th Annual Academy Awards (2002) .... Himself - Announcer
20. Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within (2001) .... Dr. Cid
21. Da wan (2001) .... Tyler
22. Uprising (2001) .... Adam Czerniakow
23. The Big Heist (2001) .... Jimmy Burke
24. Breaking Down the Walls: The Road to Recreating the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising (2001) .... Himself
25. Space Cowboys (2000) .... Jerry O'Neill
26. Panic (2000) .... Michael
27. The Art of War (2000) .... U.N. Secretary General Douglas Thomas
28. Threads of Hope (2000) .... Narrator
29. The Making of 'Space Cowboys' (2000)
30. Instinct (1999) .... Ben Hillard
31. Virus (1999) .... Capt. Robert Everton
32. The Hunley (1999) .... Gen. Pierre G.T. Beauregard
33. Behind the Mask (1999) .... Dr. Bob Shushan
34. Virus: Ghost in the Machine (1999) .... Himself
35. Fallen (1998) .... Lt. Stanton
36. Free Money (1998) .... Judge Rolf Rausenberg
37. Without Limits (1998) .... Bill Bowerman
38. The Assignment (1997) .... Jack Shaw/Henry Fields
39. Shadow Conspiracy (1997) .... Jacob Conrad
40. Natural Enemy (1997) .... Ted Robards
41. Hollow Point (1996) .... Garrett Lawton
42. A Time to Kill (1996) .... Lucien Wilbanks
43. Outbreak / Alerta (1995) .... Maj. Gen. Donald McClintock
44. Citizen X (1995) .... Col. Mikhail Fetisov
45. Disclosure (1994) .... Bob Garvin
46. The Puppet Masters (1994) .... Andrew Nivens
47. Punch (1994) .... Craman
48. The Lifeforce Experiment (1994) .... Dr. 'MAC' MacLean
49. The War of the Worlds: Great Books (1994) .... Narrator
50. Younger and Younger (1993) .... Jonathan Younger
51. Six Degrees of Separation (1993) .... John Flanders
52. Benefit of the Doubt (1993) .... Frank
53. Red Hot (1993) .... Kirov
54. Fleuve aux grandes eaux, Le (1993) .... Narrator
55. Shadow of the Wolf (1992) .... Henderson
56. The Railway Station Man (1992) .... Roger Hawthorne
57. Rakuyô (1992) .... John Williams
58. Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1992) .... Merrick Jamison-Smythe
59. The Poky Little Puppy's First Christmas (1992) .... Narrator
60. Quicksand: No Escape (1992) .... Murdoch
61. Backdraft (1991) .... Ronald Bartel
62. JFK (1991) .... X
63. Cerro Torre: Schrei aus Stein (1991) .... Ivan
64. Buster's Bedroom (1991) .... O'Connor
65. Eminent Domain (1991) .... Josef Borski
66. Bethune: The Making of a Hero (1990) .... Dr. Norman Bethune
67. A Dry White Season (1989) .... Ben du Toit
68. Lock Up (1989) .... Warden Drumgoole
69. Lost Angels (1989) .... Dr. Charles Loftis
70. Apprentice to Murder (1988) .... John Reese
71. The Trouble with Spies (1987) .... Appleton Porter
72. The Rosary Murders (1987) .... Father Robert Koesler
73. Oviri (1986) .... Paul Gauguin
74. Kate Bush: The Whole Story (1986) .... Papa
75. Revolution (1985) .... Sgt. Maj. Peasy
76. Heaven Help Us (1985) .... Brother Thadeus
77. Crackers (1984) .... Weslake
78. Ordeal by Innocence (1984) .... Dr. Arthur Calgary
79. Max Dugan Returns (1983) .... Brian Costello
80. The Winter of Our Discontent (1983) .... Ethan Hawley
81. A War Story (1981) .... Narrator of the diary
82. Threshold (1981) .... Dr. Vrain
83. Eye of the Needle (1981) .... Heinrich "Henry"Faber
84. Gas (1981) .... Nick the Noz
85. Ordinary People (1980) .... Calvin Jarrett
86. Nothing Personal (1980) .... Roger Keller
87. North China Commune (1980) .... Narrator
88. Bear Island (1979) .... Frank Lansing
89. A Man, a Woman and a Bank (1979) .... Reese Halperin
90. The First Great Train Robbery (1979) .... Robert Agar, Screwsman
91. Murder by Decree (1979) .... Robert Lees
92. Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978) .... Matthew Bennell
93. Animal House (1978) .... Prof. Dave Jennings
94. Liens de sang, Les (1978) .... Carella
95. The Disappearance (1977) .... Jay Mallory
96. The Kentucky Fried Movie (1977) .... The Clumsy Waiter
97. The Eagle Has Landed (1976) .... Liam Devlin
98. Casanova di Federico Fellini, Il (1976) .... Giacomo Casanova
99. Richter und sein Henker, Der (1975) .... Corpse of Lt. Robert Schmied
100. The Day of the Locust (1975) .... Homer Simpson
101. S*P*Y*S (1974) .... Bruland
102. Alien Thunder (1974) .... Dan Candy
103. The Shadow Catcher (1974) .... Edward S. Curtis
104. Don't Look Now (1973) .... John Baxter
105. Lady Ice (1973) .... Andy Hammon
106. Steelyard Blues (1973) .... Jesse Veldini
107. F.T.A. (1972) .... Himself
108. Johnny Got His Gun (1971) .... Christ
109. Klute (1971) .... John Klute
110. Little Murders (1971) .... Rev. Dupas
111. Klute in New York: A Background for Suspense (1971) .... Himself
112. Alex in Wonderland (1970) .... Alex Morrison
113. Act of the Heart (1970) .... Father Michael Ferrier
114. Kelly's Heroes (1970) .... Sgt. Oddball
115. Start the Revolution Without Me (1970) .... Charles/Pierre
116. MASH (1970) .... Capt. Benjamin Franklin 'Hawkeye' Pierce
117. Joanna (1968) .... Lord Peter Sanderson
118. The Split (1968) .... Dave Negli
119. Interlude (1968) .... Lawrence
120. Sebastian (1968) .... Ackerman
121. The Sunshine Patriot (1968) .... Benedeck
122. Oedipus the King (1967) .... Chorus Leader
123. Billion Dollar Brain (1967) .... Scientist at computer
124. The Dirty Dozen (1967) .... Vernon L. Pinkley
125. Operation Dirty Dozen (1967) .... Himself
126. A Farewell to Arms (1966) .... Sim
127. Play of the Month: Lee Oswald Assassin (1966) .... Charles Givens
128. Promise Her Anything (1965) .... Autograph Seeking Father
129. Fanatic (1965) .... Joseph
130. Dr. Terror's House of Horrors (1965) .... Bob Carroll
131. The Bedford Incident (1965) .... Hospitalman Nerny
132. Castello dei morti vivi, Il (1964) .... Sgt. Paul/The witch/The old man
133. The World Ten Times Over (1963) .... Unnamed
134. Terry-Thomas (1963)
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