Christopher Allen Lloyd s-a nascut pe 22 octombrie 1938 in Connecticut, Statele Unite si a absolvit prestigioasa Fessenden School din West Newton, Massachusetts.
Unul dinre primele sale roluri importante a fost cel al lui Taber din pelicula Zbor deasupra unui cuib de cuci / One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975). Ca sa se pregateasca pentru acest rol, Lloyd a stat cateva saptamani intr-o institutie pentru bolnavii cu probleme psihice si a studiat pacientii. Si-a construit personajul dupa unul dintre pacienti si a ramanea, adesea, in pielea personajului si in pauzele de filmare.
Un alt filme in care a jucat este Înapoi în viitor / Back to the Future (1985). Pentru a arata cu 30 de ani mai batran fata de scenele din 1955, Christopher trebuia sa fie machiat timp de cateva ore. Ca sa nu mai fie supus unor asemenea chinuri, scenaristii au venit cu ideea ca Doc Brown sa mearga, in viitor, la o clinica de reintinerire.
A jucat alaturi de Mary Steenburgen in trei pelicule: Goin' South (1978), Înapoi în viitor 2 / Back to the Future Part II (1989), Înapoi în viitor 3 / Back to the Future Part III (1990) si Wish You Were Dead (2002). Alte filme de referinta in care a aparut sunt The Lady in Red (1979), The Black Marble (1980), The Legend of the Lone Ranger (1981), The Postman Always Rings Twice (1981), To Be or Not to Be (1983), September Gun (1983) (TV), Mr. Mom (1983), The Addams Family (1991), Eight Men Out (1988), Twenty Bucks (1993), Things to Do in Denver When You're Dead, Mr. Payback (1995), Baby Geniuses (1999), It Came From the Sky, Man on the Moon, My Favorite Martian (1999) si Bad Girls From Valley High (2001).
Camp Hideout (Film comedie 2023)
Spirit Halloween (Film aventuri 2022)
1. A Christmas Carol (2009) .... Marley's Ghost
2. Foodfight! (2008) .... Mr. Clipboard
3. The Tale of Despereaux (2008) .... Hovis
4. Fly Me to the Moon (2007) .... Grandpa
5. Enfants terribles (2005) .... Reverend Burr
6. A Fate Totally Worse Than Death (2005) .... Mr. Chauncey
7. Here Comes Peter Cottontail: The Movie (2005) .... Seymour S. Sassafras
8. Admissions (2004) .... Stewart Worthy
9. Back to the Future (2004) .... Dr. Emmett Brown
10. Merry Christmas Space Case (2003) .... Narrator
11. Haunted Lighthouse (2003) .... Cap'n Jack
12. Interstate 60 (2002) .... Ray
13. Hey Arnold! The Movie (2002) .... Coroner
14. Wish You Were Dead (2002) .... Bruce
15. The Big Time (2002) .... Doc Powers
16. Kids World (2001) .... Leo
17. Chasing Destiny (2001) .... Jet James
18. When Good Ghouls Go Bad (2001) .... Uncle Fred Walker
19. Wit (2001) .... Dr. Harvey Kelekian
20. Happy Birthday (2001) .... Attorney Bum
21. Convergence (1999) .... Morley Allen
22. Baby Geniuses (1999) .... Heep
23. My Favorite Martian (1999) .... Uncle Martin
24. Dinner at Fred's (1999) .... Dad
25. Alice in Wonderland (1999) .... White Knight
26. It Came from the Sky (1999) .... Jarvis Moody
27. The Animated Adventures of Tom Sawyer (1998) .... Judge Thatcher
28. The Ransom of Red Chief (1998) .... Sam Howard
29. Anastasia (1997) .... Rasputin
30. The Real Blonde (1997) .... Ernst
31. Changing Habits (1997) .... Theo Teagarden
32. Quicksilver Highway (1997) .... Aaron Quicksilver
33. Angels in the Endzone (1997) .... Al, the boss angel
34. Cadillac Ranch (1996) .... Wood Grimes
35. The Right to Remain Silent (1996) .... Johnny Benjamin
36. Things to Do in Denver When You're Dead (1995) .... Pieces
37. Mr. Payback: An Interactive Movie (1995) .... Ed Jarvis
38. Rent-a-Kid (1995) .... Lawrence 'Larry' Kayvey
39. Angels in the Outfield (1994) .... Al the Boss Angel
40. The Pagemaster (1994) .... Mr. Dewey and The Pagemaster
41. Radioland Murders (1994) .... Zoltan
42. Camp Nowhere (1994) .... Dennis Van Welker
43. In Search of Dr. Seuss (1994) .... Mr. Hunch
44. Addams Family Values (1993) .... Uncle Fester Addams
45. Twenty Bucks (1993) .... Jimmy
46. Dennis the Menace (1993) .... Switchblade Sam
47. Amazing Stories: Book Two (1992) .... Professor B.O. Beanes
48. Dead Ahead: The Exxon Valdez Disaster (1992) .... Frank Iarossi
49. T Bone N Weasel (1992) .... William 'Weasel' Weasler
50. Back to the Future... The Ride (1991) .... Dr. Emmett L. "Doc" Brown
51. The Addams Family (1991) .... Uncle Fester/Gordon Craven
52. Suburban Commando (1991) .... Charlie Wilcox
53. Back to the Future Part III / Înapoi în viitor 3 (1990) .... Dr. Emmett Brown
54. DuckTales: The Movie - Treasure of the Lost Lamp (1990) .... Merlock
55. Why Me? (1990) .... Bruno Daley
56. Back to the Future Part II / Înapoi în viitor 2 (1989) .... Dr. Emmett Brown
57. The Dream Team (1989) .... Henry Sikorsky
58. Track 29 (1988) .... Henry Henry
59. Eight Men Out (1988) .... Bill Burns
60. Who Framed Roger Rabbit (1988) .... Baron von Rotton, a.k.a. "Judge Doom"
61. Bialy smok (1987) .... Jim Martin
62. Walk Like a Man (1987) .... Reggie Shand/Henry Shand
63. Tales from the Hollywood Hills: Pat Hobby Teamed with Genius (1987) .... Pat Hobby
64. Miracles (1986) .... Harry
65. Clue (1985) .... Prof. Plum
66. Back to the Future / Înapoi în viitor (1985) .... Dr. Emmett Brown
67. The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension (1984) .... John Bigboote
68. Joy of Sex (1984) .... Coach Hindenberg
69. Star Trek III: The Search for Spock (1984) .... Cmdr. Kruge
70. The Cowboy and the Ballerina (1984) .... Woody
71. Old Friends (1984) .... Jerry Forbes
72. To Be or Not to Be (1983) .... Capt. Schultz
73. Mr. Mom (1983) .... Larry
74. September Gun (1983) .... Jack Brian
75. Money on the Side (1982) .... Sergeant Stampone
76. The Legend of the Lone Ranger (1981) .... Maj. Bartholomew 'Butch' Cavendish
77. The Postman Always Rings Twice (1981) .... The Salesman
78. Schizoid (1980) .... Gilbert
79. The Black Marble (1980) .... Arnold's collector
80. The Onion Field (1979) .... Jailhouse lawyer
81. The Lady in Red (1979) .... Frognose
82. Butch and Sundance: The Early Days (1979) .... Bill Tod Carver
83. The Fantastic Seven (1979) .... Skip Hartman
84. The Word (1978) .... Hans Bogardus
85. Goin' South (1978) .... Deputy Towfield
86. Three Warriors (1978) .... Steve Chaffey
87. Lacy and the Mississippi Queen (1978) .... Jennings
88. Un autre homme, une autre chance (1977) .... Jesse James
89. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest / Zbor deasupra unui cuib de cuci (1975) .... Taber
90. Wallflowering (2005) .... Cliff Small
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