Biografie: Inzestrata cu o frumusete deosebita, in parte marcata de perechea de buze deosebite (mostenire de la tatal sau Steven Tyler), Liv Tyler, nesurprinzator de altfel isi face debutul in actorie prin lumea modei. Inca de la debutul ei in 1996 in Stealing Beauty a aparut ca o artista talentata, abandonand cariera de model-actrita, alegand doar actrita.
Nascuta in Portland, pe 1 iulie 1977, fiica unui fost model, pasionata de rock-ul anilor '70 Bebe Buell, Tyle credea in copilarie ca rockerul Todd Rundgren era tatal ei. Crescand, realizeaza ca exista tot mai multe asemanari intre ea si solistul formatiei Aerosmith, Steven Tyler care era prieten de familie, descoperind in cele din urma ca el era tatal ei biologic. Cand avea 12 ani si-a schimbat numele de familie cu cel al tatalui ei real, Tyler.
Filmografie: U-Turn (1997) Inventing the Abbotts (1997) Armageddon (1998) Plunkett & Macleane (1999) Onegin (1999) Cookie's Fortune (1999) Dr. T and the Women (2000) One Night at McCool's (2001) Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001) The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002)
1. The Incredible Hulk (2008) (în producţie).... Betty Ross
2. Reign Over Me (2007) .... Angela Oakhurst
3. The Strangers (2007) .... Kristen
4. Smother (2007) .... Clare Cooper
5. Lonesome Jim (2005) .... Anika
6. Jersey Girl (2004) .... Maya
7. The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003) .... Arwen
8. The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002) .... Arwen
9. One Night at McCool's (2001) .... Jewel Valentine
10. The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001) .... Arwen
11. A Passage to Middle-earth: Making of 'Lord of the Rings' (2001) .... Herself
12. Dr T and the Women (2000) .... Marilyn
13. Cookie's Fortune (1999) .... Emma Duvall
14. Onegin (1999) .... Tatyana Larina
15. Plunkett & Macleane (1999) .... Lady Rebecca Gibson
16. Armageddon (1998) .... Grace Stamper
17. Can't Hardly Wait (1998) .... Gum Girl
18. Inventing the Abbotts (1997) .... Pamela Abbott
19. U Turn (1997) .... Girl in Bus Station
20. That Thing You Do! (1996) .... Faye Dolan
21. Stealing Beauty (1996) .... Lucy Harmon
22. Heavy (1995) .... Callie
23. Empire Records (1995) .... Corey Mason
24. Silent Fall (1994) .... Sylvie Warden
25. Aerosmith: Big Ones You Can Look at (1994) .... Teenage Girl
26. Aerosmith: Amazing (1993) .... Girl
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