Inteligent si extrem de bine educat - absolvent al Stockholm's Royal Institute of Technology - Dolph Lundgren este mai mult cunoscut pentru performantele sale sportive decat pentru capacitatile sale intelectuale.
Campion international de kick-boxing, Dolph Lundgren a lucrat ca portar intr-un club de noapte din New York, pana cand a fost descoperit de un producator.
Nascut pe 3 noiembrie 1957, la Stockholm, Stockholms län, Suedia, Dolph Lundgren a debutat in cinematografie cu seria James Bond - View to a Kill (1984). A urmat rolul Drago, un rus care s-a batut in ring cu Sylvester Stallone in Rocky 4 (1985).
Filmografie: Masters of the Universe, Soldat Universal / Universal Soldier (unde Dolph Lundgren a impartit ecranul cu prietenul sau Jean Claude Van Damme), Red Scorpion, Showdown in Little Tokyo si Army One.
The Expendables 4 / Expend4bles / Eroi de sacrificiu 4 (2023)
The Best Man (Film acțiune thriller 2023)
Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom (Film acțiune 2023)
Section 8 (Film acțiune 2022)
Operation Seawolf (2022)
Minions: The Rise of Gru / Minionii 2 (2022)
Aquaman (Film acțiune 2018)
The Expendables 3 / Eroi de sacrificiu 3 (2014)
The Expendables 2 / Eroi de sacrificiu 2 (2012)
The Expendables 1 / Eroi de sacrificiu 1 (2010)
1. Missionary Man (2007) .... Ryder
2. Diamond Dogs (2007) .... Xander Ronson
3. Inchiesta, L' (2006) .... Brixos
4. The Mechanik (2005) .... Nikolai Cherenko
5. The Defender (2004) .... Lance Rockford
6. Retrograde (2004) .... John Foster
7. Fat Slags (2004) .... Randy
8. Direct Action (2004) .... Frank Gannon
9. Detention: An Afta' Skool Special (2004) .... Himself
10. Guns, Genes & Fighting Machines: The Making of 'Universal Soldier' (2004) .... Himself
11. A Tale of Two Titans (2004) .... Himself
12. Detention (2003) .... Sam Decker
13. Hidden Agenda (2001) .... Jason Price
14. Agent Red (2000) .... Matt Hendricks
15. The Last Patrol (2000) .... Nick Preston
16. Jill Rips (2000) .... Matt Sorenson
17. Storm Catcher (1999) .... Major Jack Holloway
18. Bridge of Dragons (1999) .... Warchild
19. The Minion (1998) .... Lukas Sadorov
20. Blackjack (1998) .... Jack Devlin
21. Sweepers (1998) .... Christian Erickson
22. The Peacekeeper (1997) .... Major Frank Cross
23. Silent Trigger (1996) .... Waxman
24. Johnny Mnemonic (1995) .... Street Preacher
25. The Shooter (1995) .... Michael Dane
26. Men of War (1994) .... Nick Gunar
27. Pentathlon (1994) .... Eric Brogar
28. Sunny Side Up (1994) .... Himself
29. Joshua Tree (1993) .... Wellman Anthony Santee
30. Universal Soldier (1992) .... Andrew Scott/GR13
31. Making of 'Universal Soldier' (1992) .... Himself
32. Showdown in Little Tokyo (1991) .... Sgt. Kenner
33. Cover Up (1991) .... Mike Anderson
34. Dark Angel (1990) .... Jack Caine
35. The Punisher (1989) .... Frank Castle/The Punisher
36. Red Scorpion (1989) .... Nikolai
37. Masters of the Universe (1987) .... He-Man
38. Maximum Potential (1987) .... Himself
39. Rocky IV (1985) .... Ivan Drago
40. A View to a Kill (1985) .... Venz
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