Daniel Day-Lewis este unul dintre cei mai indragiti actori din generatia sa. S-a nascut la Londra pe 29 aprilie 1957. Dupa ce a abandonat scoala la varsta de treisprezece ani, reuseste sa obtina un rol in filmul lui John Schlesinger Sunday, Bloody Sunday (1971).
Debutul fiind facut, decide sa se concentreze pe cursurile teatrale primite la Bristol Old Vic. Doua filme ii aduc roluri importante My Beautiful Laundrette si A Room With a View, lansate in aceeasi zi la New York. A fost doar o problema de timp pana cand Day-Lewis va reusi. Astfel, doi ani mai tarziu joaca in filmul lui Philip Kaufman The Unbearable Lightness of Being si in 1989 in My Left Foot. Pentru rolul din My Left Foot castiga premiul Oscar pentru cel mai bun actor in 1989. Ia o pauza pana in 1992, cand apare in filmul de succes Last of the Mohicans.
In 1993 joaca in "In the Name of the Father" si "The Age of Innocence", in 1996 "The Crucible" si in 2002 "Gangs of New York".
Phantom Thread / Firul fantomă (2017)
Nine (2009)
1. There Will Be Blood / Va curge sânge (2007) .... Plainview
2. The Ballad of Jack and Rose (2005) .... Jack Slavin
3. Gangs of New York (2002) .... William 'Bill the Butcher' Cutting
4. The Boxer (1997) .... Danny Flynn
5. The Crucible (1996) .... John Proctor
6. The Age of Innocence (1993) .... Newland Archer
7. In the Name of the Father (1993) .... Gerry Conlon
8. The Last of the Mohicans (1992) .... Hawkeye
9. My Left Foot: The Story of Christy Brown (1989) .... Christy Brown
10. Eversmile, New Jersey (1989) .... Dr. Fergus O'Connell
11. Stars and Bars (1988) .... Henderson Dores
12. The Unbearable Lightness of Being (1988) .... Tomas
13. Nanou (1986) .... Max
14. A Room with a View (1985) .... In England - Cecil Vyse
15. My Beautiful Laundrette (1985) .... Johnny
16. My Brother Jonathan (1985) .... Jonathan Dakers
17. The Bounty (1984) .... John Fryer
18. How Many Miles to Babylon? (1982) .... Alex
19. Artemis 81 (1981) .... Library student
20. Sunday Bloody Sunday (1971) .... Child vandal
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