Anthony Hopkins s-a nascut si a copilarit in Wales. Tanarul Anthony isi petrecea majoritatea timpului singur, desenand sau cantand la pian. Nu era atras de scoala, notele lui nu erau dintre cele mai grozave, iar cu colegii nu se intelegea prea bine. La varsta de 17 ani a inceput cursurile colegiului de musica si drama Cardiff. Dupa aceasta a urmat 2 ani in armata.
In 1960, Anthony Hopkins s-a inscris la scoala "Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts" (RADA) pe care a absolvit-o trei ani mai tarziu. In perioada ce-a urmat Anthony Hopkins a jucat in mai multe piese de teatru. A intalnit-o pe femeia cu care se va si casatori, Petronella Barker. Impreuna au o fiica, pe nume Abigail. Dupa despartirea de aceasta, se casatoreste cu Jennifer Lynton. Anthony Hopkins a devenit foarte recunoscut pe scenele teatrelor din Marea Britanie, in roluri precum Claudius in "Hamlet", sau in "Lion In Winter". Desi la inceput juca numai in piese de teatru, cu timpul isi schimba perspectiva, se desparte de a doua sotie si se muta in America. Debutul sau pe Broadway il semneaza in 1974 in "Equus". A jucat alaturi de Mel Gibson in "Mutiny".
Are parte de roluri care nu ii ridica nivelul carierei foarte tare, precum: "The Elephant Man", "The Good Father". Urmeaza totusi sa primeasca un Oscar bine meritat pentru rolul lui Hannibal din "The Silence Of The Lamps".
Schimba genul filmelor in care joaca o data cu aparitia in "Remains Of The Day", "Howard’s Day", sau "Nixon". Urmeaza filme precum: "Shadowlands", "The Mask of Zorro" (unde joaca alaturi de Antonio Banderas si Catherine Zeta-Jones), "Hannibal", "Red Dragon". Cu acesta din urma obtine un succes mai mare decat cu "Hannibal" atat din partea criticilor, cat si financiar.
Lui Anthony Hopkins nu i-au placut filmele, iar pentru productiile hollywoodiene are foarte putin respect. Singurul motiv care il mai tine in aceasta meserie il reprezinta, dupa spusele lui, banii. Cu toate acestea, este un actor renumit ce face ca aceasta meserie sa para a fi usoara.
One Life (Film biografic 2023)
Rebel Moon (Film acțiune sf Netflix 2023)
The Son (2022)
Armageddon Time (Film dramă 2022)
Zero Contact (2022)
The Father / Tatăl (2020)
Transformers: The Last Knight / Transformers: Ultimul cavaler (2017)
1. Fracture (2007) .... Ted Crawford
2. Slipstream (2007) .... Felix Bonhoeffer
3. Beowulf (2007) .... King Hrothgar
4. All the King's Men (2006) .... Judge Irwin
5. Bobby (2006) .... John Casey
6. The World's Fastest Indian (2005) .... Burt Munro
7. Proof (2005) .... Robert
8. Perfect Is the Enemy of Good (2005) .... Himself
9. Alexander (2004) .... Old Ptolemy
10. The Devil and Daniel Webster (2004) .... Daniel Webster
11. The Human Stain (2003) .... Coleman Silk
12. AFI's 100 Years... 100 Heroes & Villains (2003) .... Dr. Hannibal Lecter
13. Red Dragon (2002) .... Dr. Hannibal Lecter
14. Bad Company (2002) .... Officer Oakes
15. Inside 'Red Dragon' (2002) .... Himself
16. Anthony Hopkins: A Taste for Hannibal (2002) .... Himself - Host/Narrator
17. Hearts in Atlantis (2001) .... Ted Brautigan
18. Hannibal (2001) .... Hannibal Lecter
19. Inside the Labyrinth: The Making of 'The Silence of the Lambs' (2001) .... Himself
20. How the Grinch Stole Christmas (2000) .... The Narrator
21. Mission: Impossible II / Misiune: Imposibilă 2 (2000) .... Mission Commander Swanbeck
22. Titus (1999) .... Titus Andronicus
23. Instinct (1999) .... Ethan Powell
24. Siegfried & Roy: The Magic Box (1999) .... Narrator
25. Meet Joe Black (1998) .... William Parrish
26. The Mask of Zorro (1998) .... Don Diego de la Vega/Zorro
27. Wie man die Leute von ihrem Geld trennt (1998) .... Himself
28. The Uttmost (1998) .... Himself
29. Amistad (1997) .... John Quincy Adams
30. The Edge (1997) .... Charles Morse
31. The Lost Children of Berlin (1997) .... Narrator
32. Surviving Picasso (1996) .... Pablo Picasso
33. August (1996) .... Ieuan Davies
34. Nixon (1995) .... Richard M. Nixon
35. Legends of the Fall (1994) .... Col. William Ludlow
36. The Road to Wellville (1994) .... Dr. John Harvey Kellogg
37. Shadowlands (1993) .... Jack Lewis
38. The Remains of the Day (1993) .... Stevens
39. The Innocent (1993) .... Bob Glass
40. The Trial (1993) .... The Priest
41. Selected Exits (1993) .... Gwyn Thomas
42. Love and Loyalty: The Making of 'The Remains of the Day' (1993) .... Himself
43. Chaplin (1992) .... George Hayden
44. Dracula (1992) .... Professor Abraham Van Helsing
45. Howards End (1992) .... Henry Wilcox
46. Spotswood (1992) .... Errol Wallace
47. Freejack (1992) .... Ian McCandless
48. To Be the Best (1992) .... Jack Figg
49. The Silence of the Lambs (1991) .... Dr. Hannibal Lecter
50. One Man's War (1991) .... Joel
51. Desperate Hours (1990) .... Tim Cornell
52. Great Expectations (1989) .... Abel Magwitch
53. Heartland (1989) .... Jack
54. A Chorus of Disapproval (1988) .... Dafydd Ap Llewellyn
55. The Dawning (1988) .... Cassius aka Angus Barrie
56. The Tenth Man (1988) .... Jean Louis Chavel
57. Across the Lake (1988) .... Donald Campbell
58. 84 Charing Cross Road (1987) .... Frank P. Doel
59. The Good Father (1985) .... Bill Hooper
60. Hollywood Wives (1985) .... Neil Gray
61. Mussolini: The Decline and Fall of Il Duce (1985) .... Count Galeazzo Ciano
62. Arch of Triumph (1985) .... Dr. Ravic
63. Blunt (1985) .... Guy Burgess
64. Guilty Conscience (1985) .... Arthur Jamison
65. The Bounty (1984) .... Lieutenant William Bligh
66. Strangers and Brothers (1984) .... Roger Quaife
67. A Married Man (1983) .... John Strickland
68. The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1982) .... Quasimodo
69. The Bunker (1981) .... Adolf Hitler
70. Peter and Paul (1981) .... Paul of Tarsus
71. A Change of Seasons (1980) .... Adam Evans
72. The Elephant Man (1980) .... Dr. Frederick 'Freddie' Treves
73. Magic (1978) .... Corky/Voice of Fats the Dummy
74. International Velvet (1978) .... Captain Johnson
75. Kean (1978) .... Edmund Kean
76. A Bridge Too Far (1977) .... Lt. Col. John Frost
77. Audrey Rose (1977) .... Elliot Hoover
78. Victory at Entebbe (1976) .... Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin
79. The Lindbergh Kidnapping Case (1976) .... Bruno Richard Hauptmann
80. Dark Victory (1976) .... Dr. Michael Grant
81. All Creatures Great and Small (1975) .... Siegfried Farnon
82. Juggernaut (1974) .... Supt. John McCleod
83. QB VII (1974) .... Dr. Adam Kelno
84. The Girl from Petrovka (1974) .... Kostya
85. The Arcata Promise (1974) .... Theo Gunge
86. Possessions (1974) .... Dando
87. A Doll's House (1973) .... Torvald Helmer
88. Young Winston (1972) .... David Lloyd George
89. The Edwardians (1972) .... David Lloyd George
90. Poet Game (1972) .... Hugh Sanders
91. War & Peace (1972) .... Pierre Bezuhov
92. When Eight Bells Toll (1971) .... Philip Calvert
93. Danton (1970) .... Danton
94. The Great Inimitable Mr. Dickens (1970) .... Charles Dickens
95. Hamlet (1969) .... Claudius
96. The Looking Glass War (1969) .... John Avery
97. The Lion in Winter (1968) .... Richard
98. The White Bus (1967) .... Brechtian
99. A Flea in Her Ear (1967)
100. Little Eyolf (1982) .... Alfred Allmers
101. Decision to Burn (1971) .... Steve
102. The Three Sisters (1970) .... Andrei
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