Will Ferrell a devenit unul dintre cei mai cunoscuti actori din cinematografia americana in urma participarii sale la emisiunea de televiziune "Saturday Night Live" timp de sapte editii memorabile, din 1995 pana in 2002.
Concentrandu-se apoi asupra activitatii de pe marele ecran, el s-a remarcat ca un adevarat star in comedii de succes mai recente, precum: Elful/ Elf, Vitezomanu’ Ricky Bobby/ Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby, Ce vraji a mai facut nevasta mea/ Bewitched, Vechea gasca/ Old School, Kicking & Screaming si Producatorii/ The Producers, pentru rolul din acest ultim film fiind nominalizat in 2005 la Premiul Globul de Aur, la categoria "Cel mai bun actor in rol secundar" intr-un muzical sau o comedie.
Recent, a colaborat cu regizorul Woody Allen la filmul Melinda si Melinda/ Melinda and Melinda si a asigurat vocea personajului Barbatul cu Palaria Galbena, din filmul de animatie Curious George.
Nascut in Irvine, California, a urmat Universitatea California de Sud si a studiat ziaristica in domeniul sportiv, lucrand ocazional ca reporter sportiv pentru un canal de televiziune local. A hotarat sa se inscrie la clasa de comedie la faimosul Teatru Groundlings din Los Angeles si a devenit actor permanent curand dupa aceea. In scurt timp, a participat la auditiile pentru emisiunea "Saturday Night Live" si a devenit unul dintre cei mai pretiosi membrii ai echipei acestui serial.
A mai detinut mici roluri in seriale de televiziune (On Our Own, Grace Under Fire, Living Single) care au dus la roluri in filme precum: Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery, The Thin Pink Line si The Suburbans inainte de a juca impreuna cu Chris Kattan in comedia TV, O noapte la Roxbury/ A Night at the Roxbury. Amandoi au participat la scenariu, creind doua dintre cele mai populare personaje TV, Fratii Butabi.
A continuat sa apara in filme precum: Dick, Superstar, Cum de s-a inecat Mona?/ Drowning Mona, Un barbat cuceritor/ The Ladies Man, Austin Powers 2: Spionul care mi-a tras-o!/ Austin Powers 2: The Spy Who Shagged Me, Vedetele contraataca/ Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, Zoolandre Manechinul/ Zoolander si Boat Trip inainte de a avea mare succes cu rolurile Frank the Tank in comedia Vechea gasca/ Old School si naivul ajutor al lui Mos Craciun, Buddy, in filmul de mare succes in box-office, Elful/ Elf. A urmat rolul reporterului din anii ’70 din filmul Un stirist legendar: Ron Burgundy/ Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy (la care a fost si co-scenarist), iar apoi si-a consolidat statutul de actor de frunte prezent in filme importante.
Va mai putea fi urmarit in filmele Blades of Glory, alaturi de Jon Heder si Will Arnett si in Old School 2, unde colaboreaza din nou cu regizorul Todd Phillips si apare alaturi de actorii Luke Wilson si Vince Vaughn.
Strays / Scăpați din lesă (Film comedie 2023)
Barbie (2023)
Spirited (Film comedie 2022)
Downhill / La vale / Avalanșă-n mariaj (2020)
Eurovision Song Contest: The Story of Fire Saga / Concursul Muzical Eurovision: Povestea trupei Fire Saga (2020)
1. Semi-Pro (2008) .... Jackie Moon
2. Blades of Glory (2007) .... Chazz Michael Michaels
3. Curious George (2006) .... The Man in the Yellow Hat
4. Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby (2006) .... Ricky Bobby
5. Stranger Than Fiction (2006) .... Harold Crick
6. ESPY Awards (2006) .... Himself
7. Night of Too Many Stars: An Overbooked Event for Autism Education (2006) .... Himself/Robert Goulet
8. Reel Comedy: Talladega Nights - The Ballad of Ricky Bobby (2006) .... Himself
9. 2006 MTV Movie Awards (2006) .... Himself/Presenter
10. Bewitched (2005) .... Jack Wyatt/Darrin
11. Winter Passing (2005) .... Corbit
12. Wedding Crashers / Spărgătorii de nunți (2005) .... Chaz Reingold
13. Kicking & Screaming (2005) .... Phil Weston
14. The Wendell Baker Story (2005) .... Dave Bix
15. The Producers (2005) .... Franz Liebkind
16. Earth to America (2005) .... Himself
17. Bewitched: Star Shots (2005) .... Himself
18. Why I Love 'Bewitched' (2005) .... Himself
19. Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards '05 (2005) .... Himself
20. Melinda and Melinda (2004) .... Hobie
21. Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy (2004) .... Ron Burgundy
22. Starsky & Hutch (2004) .... Big Earl
23. Wake Up, Ron Burgundy: The Lost Movie (2004) .... Ron Burgundy
24. Oh, What a Lovely Tea Party (2004) .... Himself
25. How They Made the North Pole (2004) .... Himself
26. Elf (2003) .... Buddy
27. Old School (2003) .... Frank Ricard
28. Late Night with Conan O'Brien: 10th Anniversary Special (2003) .... Himself
29. Inside the Actors Studio Spoof (2003) .... Himself/James Lipton
30. MTV: Reloaded (2003) .... The Architect
31. Reel Comedy: Old School (2003) .... Himself
32. Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards '03 (2003) .... Himself
33. Boat Trip (2002) .... Brian's Boyfriend
34. Saturday Night Live: The Best of Will Ferrell (2002) .... Himself/Various Characters
35. Panic Room with Will Ferrell (2002) .... Himself
36. Zoolander (2001) .... Jacobin Mugatu/Jacob Moogberg/Little Cletus
37. Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back (2001) .... Federal Wildlife Marshal Willenholly
38. 2001 MTV Movie Awards (2001) .... Himself
39. Saturday Night Live Primetime Extra 1 (2001) .... George W. Bush/Marty Culp
40. Saturday Night Live Primetime Extra 2 (2001) .... George W. Bush/Alex Trebek/Himself
41. Reel Comedy: Jay and Silent Bob (2001) .... Himself
42. The Ladies Man (2000) .... Lance DeLune
43. Drowning Mona (2000) .... Cubby the Funeral Director
44. Saturday Night Live: The Best of David Spade (2000) .... Himself
45. VH1/Vogue Fashion Awards (2000) .... Himself
46. Saturday Night Live: Presidential Bash 2000 (2000) .... Himself
47. Superstar (1999) .... Sky Corrigan/Jesus
48. Dick (1999) .... Bob Woodward
49. Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me (1999) .... Mustafa
50. The Suburbans (1999) .... Gil
51. Saturday Night Live: Game Show Parodies (1999) .... Himself/Alex Trebek/Various Characters
52. Saturday Night Live: 25th Anniversary (1999) .... Himself
53. Tom Green: Road Kill (1999) .... Himself
54. A Night at the Roxbury (1998) .... Steve Butabi
55. The Thin Pink Line (1998) .... Darren Clark
56. Reel Comedy: A Night at the Roxbury (1998) .... Himself
57. Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery (1997) .... Mustafa
58. Men Seeking Women (1997) .... Al
59. Criminal Hearts (1995) .... Newscaster
60. A Bucket of Blood (1995) .... Young Man
61. Jennifer Love Hewitt/Beastie Boys (1998) .... Various
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