Sharon Stone a avut nominalizari pentru premiul Globul de Aur si premiul Oscar pentru rolul din filmul lui Martin Scorsese Casino.
Ea ramane una dintre cele mai solicitate actrite de la Hollywood.
Stone a putut fi vazuta recent in filmul lui Nick Cassavetes Alpha Dog, alaturi de Emile Hirsch si Justine Timberlake, precum si in filmul lui Jim Jarmusch Broken Flowers, alaturi de Bill Murray si Jessica Lange.
Viitorul film in care apare Stone este drama politica a lui Emilio Estevez Bobby.
Stone a mai avut roluri in filmele Muza/ The Muse, Simpatico, La rascruce intre dragoste si moarte/ Intersection, Sliver, Mai iute ca moartea/ The Quick and the Dead, Specialistul/ The Specialist, Total Recall, Ultimul dans/ Last Dance, Sfera/ Sphere, Gloria si filmul bine primit de critici The Mighty, la care este de asemenea si producator executiv.
Stone a primit un Premiu Emmy pentru rolul din filmul The Practice, si a fost aclamata pentru rolul din seria HBO If These Walls Could Talk 2 .
1. Dirty Tricks (2008) .... Katharine Graham
2. When a Man Falls in the Forest (2007) .... Karen
3. Basic Instinct 2 (2006) .... Catherine Davis Tramell
Bobby (2006)
4. Alpha Dog (2006) .... Olivia Mazursky
5. Broken Flowers (2005) .... Laura Daniels Miller
6. MTV & Logo Present 'The Out 100' (2005) .... Herself
7. A Different Loyalty (2004) .... Sally Tyler/Cauffield
8. Catwoman (2004) .... Laurel Hedare
9. 2004 MTV Movie Awards (2004) .... Herself - Presenter
10. Moving Image Salutes Richard Gere (2004)
11. The 61st Annual Golden Globe Awards (2004) .... Herself - Presenter: DeMille Award
12. The Second Annual TV Land Awards: A Celebration of Classic TV (2004) .... Herself - Presenter: Viewer's Choice Award for Bossiest Boss Award
13. Cold Creek Manor (2003) .... Leah Tilson
14. Blonde Poison: The Making of 'Basic Instinct' (2001) .... Herself
15. Imagining 'Total Recall' (2001) .... Herself
16. If These Walls Could Talk 2 (2000) .... Fran (segment "2000")
17. Picking Up the Pieces (2000) .... Candy Cowley
18. Beautiful Joe (2000) .... Alice 'Hush' Mason
19. Gloria (1999) .... Gloria
20. Simpatico (1999) .... Rosie Carter
21. The Sissy Duckling (1999) .... Narrator
22. The Muse (1999) .... Sarah Little
23. Forever Hollywood (1999) .... Narrator
24. Sphere (1998) .... Dr. Elizabeth 'Beth' Halperin
25. The Mighty (1998) .... Gwen Dillon
26. Antz (1998) .... Princess Bala
27. The Making of 'Sphere' (1998) .... Herself
28. The American Film Institute Salute to Martin Scorsese (1997) .... Herself
29. Diabolique (1996) .... Nicole Horner
30. Last Dance (1996) .... Cindy Liggett
31. The Good, the Bad & the Beautiful (1996) .... Herself
32. The Quick and the Dead (1995) .... Ellen "The Lady"
33. Casino (1995) .... Ginger McKenna/Rothstein
34. Intersection (1994) .... Sally Eastman
35. The Specialist (1994) .... May Munro
36. Last Action Hero (1993) .... Catherine Tramell
37. Sliver (1993) .... Carly Norris
38. Comic Relief: Baseball Relief '93 (1993) .... Herself
39. Harlow: The Blonde Bombshell (1993) .... Herself
40. Where Sleeping Dogs Lie (1992) .... Serena Black
41. Basic Instinct (1992) .... Catherine Tramell
42. Laughing Back: Comedy Takes a Stand (1992) .... Herself
43. He Said, She Said / Puncte de vedere (1991) .... Linda Metzger
44. Scissors (1991) .... Angie Anderson
45. Diary of a Hitman (1991) .... Kiki
46. Year of the Gun (1991) .... Alison King
47. Total Recall (1990) .... Lori
48. Sangre y arena (1989) .... Doña Sol
49. Beyond the Stars (1989) .... Laurie McCall
50. War and Remembrance (1988) .... Janice Henry
51. Badlands 2005 (1988) .... Alex Neil
52. Above the Law (1988) .... Sara Toscani
53. Action Jackson (1988) .... Patrice Dellaplane
54. Tears in the Rain (1988) .... Casey Cantrell
55. Cold Steel (1987) .... Kathy Connors
56. Allan Quatermain and the Lost City of Gold (1987) .... Jesse Huston
57. Police Academy 4: Citizens on Patrol (1987) .... Claire Mattson
58. Mr. and Mrs. Ryan (1986)
59. King Solomon's Mines (1985) .... Jesse Huston
60. The Vegas Strip War (1984) .... Sarah Shipman
61. Irreconcilable Differences (1984) .... Blake Chandler
62. Calendar Girl Murders (1984) .... Cassie Bascomb
63. Uns et les autres, Les (1983) .... Girl with Glenn Senior
64. Not Just Another Affair (1982) .... Lynette
65. Deadly Blessing (1981) .... Lana Marcus
66. Uns et les autres, Les (1981) .... Girl with Glenn Senior
67. Stardust Memories (1980) .... Pretty Girl on train
68. Sharon Stone (2003) .... Herself
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