Helen Hunt, o actrita tanara si talentata, a facut parte din lumea filmului de televiziune de la varsta de 10 ani. Avand numele real Helen Elizabeth Hunt, vedeta este nascuta pe 15 iunie 1963 in Los Angeles, California.
Inainte de a implini 17 ani, a aparut in doua seriale Swiss Family Robinson (1975) si The Fitzpatricks (1977).
Dupa ce primeste primul rol important in 1982 in comedia It Takes Two, dand dovada de talent, primeste roluri in filme precum Girls Just Want to Have Fun (1985), Peggy Sue Got Married (1986), Project X (1987), The Waterdance (1991) si Next of Kin (1991).
Din 1992, Helen Hunt are un rol principal in serialul Mad About You. Pe durata serialului (timp de sapte ani), a primit atat premiul Emmy cat si premiu Globul de Aur pentru rolul ei - Jamie Buchman - din serial. In 1996, Helen Hunt are cel mai important rol in filmul de succes Twister.
In anul urmator exceleaza primind un Oscar pentru cea mai buna actrita, jucand alaturi de Jack Nicholson, care de asemenea a castigat un premiu Oscar pentru rolul sau, in As Good As It Gets.
The Night Clerk / Recepționerul (2020)
1. Bobby (2006) .... Samantha
2. Empire Falls (2005) .... Janine Roby
3. A Good Woman (2004) .... Mrs. Erlynne
4. Pulse Pounders (2002) .... Leena
5. The Curse of the Jade Scorpion (2001) .... Betty Ann Fitzgerald
6. One Night at McCool's (2001) .... Truck Driver
7. What Women Want / Ce-și doresc femeile (2000) .... Darcy McGuire
8. Cast Away (2000) .... Kelly Frears
9. Pay It Forward (2000) .... Arlene McKinney
10. Dr T and the Women (2000) .... Bree Davis
11. Saturday Night Live: The Best of David Spade (2000) .... Herself
12. Twelfth Night, or What You Will (1998) .... Viola
13. As Good as It Gets (1997) .... Carol Connelly
14. Twister (1996) .... Dr. JoAnne 'Jo' Thornton-Harding
15. Kiss of Death (1995) .... Bev Kilmartin
16. 1st Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards (1995)
17. Sexual Healing (1993) .... Rene
18. The Wild West (1993) .... Abbie Bright
19. In the Company of Darkness (1993) .... Gina Pulasky
20. Mr. Saturday Night (1992) .... Annie
21. Bob Roberts (1992) .... Rose Pondell
22. Only You (1992) .... Claire Enfield
23. The Waterdance (1992) .... Anna
24. Trancers III (1992) .... Lena
25. Trancers II (1991) .... Lena Deth
26. Murder in New Hampshire: The Pamela Wojas Smart Story (1991) .... Pamela Smart
27. Into the Badlands (1991) .... Blossom
28. Next of Kin (1989) .... Jessie Gates
29. Incident at Dark River (1989) .... Jesse McCandless
30. The Easter Story (1989) ....
31. Miles from Home (1988) .... Jennifer
32. Stealing Home (1988) .... Hope Wyatt (adult and pregnant)
33. Shooter (1988) .... Tracey
34. Project X (1987) .... Teri
35. Peggy Sue Got Married (1986) .... Beth Bodell
36. The Nativity (1986) .... Mary
37. The Frog Prince (1986) .... Princess Henrietta
38. Girls Just Want to Have Fun (1985) .... Lynne Stone
39. Trancers (1985) .... Leena
40. Waiting to Act (1985) .... Tracy
41. Sweet Revenge (1984) .... Debbie Markham
42. Quarterback Princess (1983) .... Tami Maida
43. Choices of the Heart (1983) .... Cathy
44. The Best Little Girl in the World (1981) .... Unknown
45. Angel Dusted (1981) .... Lizzie Eaton
46. The Miracle of Kathy Miller (1981) .... Kathy Miller
47. Child Bride of Short Creek (1981) .... Naomi
48. Transplant (1979) .... Janice Hurley
49. Rollercoaster (1977) .... Tracy Calder
50. Having Babies (1976) .... Sharon McNamara
51. The Swiss Family Robinson (1975) .... Roberta
52. All Together Now (1975) .... Susan Lindsay
53. Pioneer Woman (1973) .... Sarah Sargeant
54. Roaring Roads (1935) .... Aunt Agatha
55. Sawdust Paradise (1928) .... Organist
56. Just My Dog (1995) .... Jamie Stemple Buchman
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