Biografie: Carrie-Anne Moss s-a nascut in Vancouver, Canada, pe 21 August 1967. Moss decide sa devina actrita la o varsta frageda. Dupa ce debuteaza in 1996 in Sabotage, Moss continua sa lucreze la un serial TV (un serial notabil F/X: The Series). Datorita rolului din The Matrix (1999), Moss a fost evidentiata. In 2000 a aparut in nici mai mult nici mai putin de patru filme, incluzand The Crew, Red Planet si Memento.
1. Fireflies in the Garden (2008) .... Kelly Hanson
2. Disturbia (2007) .... Julie
3. Suspect (2007) .... Lt. Chivers
4. Fido (2006) .... Helen Robinson
5. Snow Cake (2006) .... Maggie
6. The Chumscrubber (2005) .... Jerri Falls
7. Sledge: The Untold Story (2005) .... Girlfriend
8. Suspect Zero (2004) .... Fran Kulok
9. The Matrix Revolutions (2003) .... Trinity
10. Kid's Story (2003) .... Trinity
11. A Detective Story (2003) .... Trinity
12. Crash Course (2003) .... Herself
13. The Matrix Revisited (2001) .... Herself
14. Chocolat (2000) .... Caroline Clairmont
15. Memento (2000) .... Natalie
16. Red Planet (2000) .... Cmdr. Kate Bowman
17. The Crew (2000) .... Detective Olivia Neal
18. The Matrix (1999) .... Trinity
19. New Blood (1999) .... Leigh
20. Making 'The Matrix' (1999) .... Herself
21. The Matrix: The Movie Special (1999) .... Herself
22. Lethal Tender (1997) .... Melissa Wilkins
23. The Secret Life of Algernon (1997) .... Madge Clerisy
24. Sabotage (1996) .... Louise Castle
25. 364 Girls a Year (1996)
26. Toughguy (1995) .... Tracy
27. The Soft Kill (1994) .... Jane Tanner
28. Flashfire (1993) .... Meredith Neal
29. Doorways (1993)
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