Nascut in Chicago pe 8 martie 1959 din parinti irlandezi, Aidan Quinn si cei 4 frati ai sai au fost crescuti in SUA. A aparut in numeroase productii si a debutat la New York, in productia Broadway a lui Sam Shepard, Fool for Love.
Aidan Quinn a debutat in film alaturi de Daryl Hannah in filmul lui James Foley, Reckless (1984). Filmul a fost ignorat de critici si public. Cu filmul lui Susan Seidelman, Desperately Seeking Susan, el a devenit cunoscut.
Aidan Quinn a aparut apoi intr-o serie de filme in anii '80 si '90. A facut roluri memorabile in Avalon (1990), filmul lui Barry Levinson, o drama in care a jucat rolul un tata evreu; The Playboys (1992), in care a jucat rolul unui muzician irlandez; Benny si Joon (1993), in care a jucat rolul fratelui unei instabile psihic; Legendele toamnei / Legends of the Fall (1994), in care a jucat rolul fratelui lui Brad Pitt; si filmul Michael Collins al lui Neil Jordan (1996), in care Aidan Quinn a interpretat rolul unui terorist IRA.
In 1998, Aidan Quinn a colaborat cu fratii Paul si Declan la filmul This Is My Father.
Aidan Quinn are un mariaj stabil cu Elizabeth Bracco (sora Lorrainei Bracco) inca din 1987. Au impreuna o fiica.
Daughter of The Bride (Film comedie 2023)
Flipped / Juli și Bryce (2010)
1. Paddyville (2008) .... Colm
2. Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee (2007) .... Henry Dawes
3. Dark Matter (2007) .... Reiser
4. 32A (2007) .... Frank Brennan
5. Empire Falls (2005) .... David Roby
6. Nine Lives (2005) .... Henry
7. Mayday (2005) .... John Berry
8. The Exonerated (2005) .... Kerry
9. Cavedweller (2004) .... Clint Windsor
10. Proud (2004) .... Commodore Alfred Lind
11. Return to Sender (2004) .... Frank Nitzche
12. Shadow of Fear (2004) .... Detective Scofield
13. Bobby Jones: Stroke of Genius (2004) .... Harry Vardon
14. Plainsong (2004) .... Tom Guthrie
15. Miracle Run (2004) .... Douglas Thomas
16. Song for a Raggy Boy (2003) .... William Franklin
17. Benedict Arnold: A Question of Honor (2003) .... Gen. Benedict Arnold
18. Evelyn: Behind the Scenes (2003) .... Himself
19. Evelyn (2002) .... Nick Barron
20. Stolen Summer (2002) .... Joe O'Malley
21. Songcatcher (2000) .... Tom Bledsoe
22. Two of Us (2000) .... Paul McCartney
23. See You In My Dreams (2000) .... Joe
24. The Prince and the Pauper (2000) .... Miles Hendon
25. Music of the Heart (1999) .... Brian Turner
26. In Dreams (1999) .... Paul Cooper
27. Practical Magic (1998) .... Officer Gary Hallet
28. The Assignment (1997) .... Lt. Cmdr. Annibal Ramirez/Carlos
29. Commandments (1997) .... Seth Warner
30. Forbidden Territory: Stanley's Search for Livingstone (1997) .... Henry Morton Stanley
31. Michael Collins (1996) .... Harry Boland
32. Haunted (1995) .... Prof. David Ash
33. The Stars Fell on Henrietta (1995) .... Don Day
34. Legends of the Fall (1994) .... Alfred Ludlow
35. Frankenstein (1994) .... Captain Robert Walton
36. Blink (1994) .... Detective John Hallstrom
37. Benny & Joon (1993) .... Benjamin 'Benny' Pearl
38. The Playboys (1992) .... Tom Casey
39. A Private Matter (1992) .... Bob Finkbine
40. At Play in the Fields of the Lord (1991) .... Martin Quarrier
41. Avalon (1990) .... Jules Kaye
42. The Lemon Sisters (1990) .... Frankie McGuinness
43. The Handmaid's Tale (1990) .... Nick
44. Crusoe (1989) .... Crusoe
45. Perfect Witness (1989) .... Sam Paxton
46. Stakeout (1987) .... Richard 'Stick' Montgomery
47. The Mission (1986) .... Felipe
48. All My Sons (1986) .... Chris Keller
49. Desperately Seeking Susan (1985) .... Dez
50. An Early Frost (1985) .... Michael Pierson
51. Reckless (1984) .... Johnny Rourke
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