In aceasta zi a anului 1952, s-a nascut actrita Anjelica Huston, fiica regizorul John Huston si sotia lui Enrica Soma, fosta balerina. Anjelica Huston a crescut in Irlanda, unde tatal ei a mutat familia in timpul protestului McCarthyism din 1950. Anjelica a crescut departe de stralucirea Hollywood-ului pana in 1969, cand joaca in filmul tatalui ei A Walk with Love and Death. Filmul a fost un esec.
Anjelica Huston a jucat in roluri scurte pentru cativa ani. In 1973, la varsta de 21 de ani, ea a inceput o relatie romantica cu actorul Jack Nicholson in varsta de 36 de ani, relatie care a durat 17 ani.
Anjelica Huston a aparut in cateva filme dar lansarea ei ca actrita va avea loc abia la varsta de 30 de ani, cand castiga un premiu Oscar al Academiei pentru rolul jucat in Prizzi's Honor, un film cu gangsteri regizat de tatal ei.
Ea a fost nominalizata la Oscar pentru rolul ei din Enemies: A Love Story (1989) si The Grifters (1990). Inalta si impunatoarea actrita dezvolta un fler deosebit pentru comedie ca Morticia Addams in The Addams Family (1991) si Addams Family Values (1993). Si-a indreptat atentia catre regizare in anii 90, regizand filmul Bastard Out of Carolina in 1966 si Agnes Browne in 1999.
1. The Fantastic Mr. Fox (2009) ....
Choke / Sufocare (2008)
2. Tinker Bell (2008) .... Queen Clarion
3. The Other Side (2008) .... Mama Pupkin
Martian Child / Copilul de pe Marte (2007)
4. The Darjeeling Limited (2007) .... Patricia
5. Material Girls (2006) .... Fabiella
6. These Foolish Things (2006) .... Lottie Osgood
7. Covert One: The Hades Factor (2006) .... President
8. Seraphim Falls (2006) .... Madame Louise Fair
9. Art School Confidential (2006) .... Art History Teacher
10. The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou (2004) .... Eleanor Zissou
11. Iron Jawed Angels (2004) .... Carrie Chapman Catt
12. Kaena: La prophétie (2003) .... Queen of the Selenites
13. Daddy Day Care (2003) .... Mrs. Gwyneth Harridan
14. Blood Work (2002) .... Dr. Bonnie Fox
15. Barbie as Rapunzel (2002) .... Gothel
16. MC Hammer: 2 Legit - The Videos (2002) .... Morticia Addams
17. Making 'Blood Work' (2002) .... Herself
18. The Royal Tenenbaums (2001) .... Etheline Tenenbaum
19. The Man from Elysian Fields (2001) .... Jennifer Adler
20. The Mists of Avalon (2001) .... Viviane
21. The Golden Bowl (2000) .... Fanny Assingham
22. Agnes Browne (1999) .... Agnes Browne
23. Cleopatra: The First Woman of Power (1999) .... Narrator
24. American Fashion Awards (1999)
25. Ever After (1998) .... Baroness Rodmilla De Ghent
26. Phoenix (1998) .... Leila
27. Buffalo '66 (1998) .... Jan
28. The Crossing Guard (1995) .... Mary
29. The Perez Family (1995) .... Carmela Perez
30. Buffalo Girls (1995) .... Calamity Jane
31. Addams Family Values (1993) .... Morticia Addams
32. Manhattan Murder Mystery (1993) .... Marcia Fox
33. And the Band Played On (1993) .... Dr. Betsy Reisz
34. Family Pictures (1993) .... Lainey Eberlin
35. The Addams Family (1991) .... Morticia Addams
36. The Grifters (1990) .... Lilly Dillon
37. The Witches (1990) .... Miss Eva Ernst/Grand High Witch
38. Enemies: A Love Story (1989) .... Tamara Broder
39. Crimes and Misdemeanors (1989) .... Dolores Paley
40. Lonesome Dove (1989) .... Clara Allen
41. Mr. North (1988) .... Persis Bosworth-Tennyson
42. A Handful of Dust (1988) .... Mrs. Rattery
43. The Dead (1987) .... Gretta Conroy
44. Gardens of Stone (1987) .... Samantha Davis
45. Captain EO (1986) .... The Supreme Leader
46. Good to Go (1986)
47. Prizzi's Honor (1985) .... Maerose Prizzi
48. The Ice Pirates (1984) .... Maida
49. This Is Spinal Tap (1984) .... Polly Deutsch
50. The Cowboy and the Ballerina (1984)
51. Frances (1982) .... Mental Patient
52. The Comic Book Kids (1982) .... The Princess
53. Rose for Emily (1982) .... Miss Emily Grierson
54. The Postman Always Rings Twice (1981) .... Madge
55. The Last Tycoon (1976) .... Edna
56. Swashbuckler (1976) .... Woman of Dark Visage
57. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest / Zbor deasupra unui cuib de cuci (1975) .... Woman in Crowd on Pier
58. A Walk with Love and Death (1969) .... Claudia
59. Hamlet (1969) .... Court Lady
60. Sinful Davey (1969)
61. Casino Royale (1967) .... Agent Mimi's Hands
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