In cea de-a doua jumatate a anilor ’70, John Travolta (nascut pe 18 februarie 1954 in Englewood, New Jersey), a devenit cea mai mare vedeta a Hollywood-ului, aparand in mai multe roluri atat pe marele ecran, cat si la televiziune sau radio, devenind un fenomen cultural.
Ca multe alte celebritati, faima lui avea sa tina putin, dar in anii ’80 era privit de media si de marele public ca un mare actor al erei sale. Diferit de celelalte staruri, John Travolta a reaparut ca in urmatorul deceniu, restabilindu-si faima, devenind unul dintre cei mai apreciati actori.
In 1997 a fost nominalizat de Academia de Film si de New York Film Critics Circle pentru cel mai bun actor cu Saturday Night Fever si in 1994 a fost din nou nominalizat la Oscar pentru cel mai bun actor cu filmul Pulp Fiction; o alta nominalizare primeste in 1995 la Globul de Aur pentru cel mai bun actor (dramatic) tot cu Pulp Fiction.
Mob Land (2023)
Paradise City (2022)
1. Dallas (2009) .... J.R. Ewing
2. Quantum Quest: A Cassini Space Odyssey (2009) .... Dave
3. Bolt (2008) ....
4. Wild Hogs / Gașca nebună (2007) .... Woody Stevens
5. Hairspray (2007) .... Edna Turnblad
6. Lonely Hearts (2006) .... Elmer C. Robinson
7. Be Cool (2005) .... Chili Palmer
8. Olivia Newton-John: Video Gold II (2005) .... Himself
9. Ladder 49 (2004) .... Captain Mike Kennedy
10. A Love Song for Bobby Long (2004) .... Bobby Long
11. The Punisher (2004) .... Howard Saint
12. On the Set: Ladder 49 (2004) .... Himself
13. Basic (2003) .... Hardy
14. Domestic Disturbance (2001) .... Frank Morrison
15. Swordfish (2001) .... Gabriel Shear
16. Lucky Numbers (2000) .... Russ Richards
17. Battlefield Earth: A Saga of the Year 3000 (2000) .... Terl
18. The General's Daughter (1999) .... Warr. Off. Paul Brenner/Sgt. Frank White
19. A Civil Action (1998) .... Jan Schlichtmann
20. The Thin Red Line (1998) .... Brigadier General Quintard
21. Primary Colors (1998) .... Governor Jack Stanton
22. Mad City (1997) .... Sam Baily
23. Face/Off (1997) .... Sean Archer/Castor Troy
24. She's So Lovely (1997) .... Joey
25. Happy Birthday Elizabeth: A Celebration of Life (1997) .... Himself
26. Michael (1996) .... Michael
27. Phenomenon (1996) .... George Malley
28. Broken Arrow (1996) .... Maj. Vic 'Deak' Deakins
29. America's Flying Aces: The Blue Angels 50th Anniversary (1996) .... Narrator
30. Get Shorty (1995) .... Chili Palmer
31. White Man's Burden (1995) .... Louis Pinnock
32. Pulp Fiction (1994) .... Vincent Vega
33. Look Who's Talking Now (1993) .... James Ubriacco
34. Shout (1991) .... Jack Cabe
35. Eyes of an Angel (1991) .... Bobby
36. Chains of Gold (1991) .... Scott Barnes
37. Look Who's Talking Too (1990) .... James Ubriacco
38. Look Who's Talking (1989) .... James Ubriacco
39. The Experts (1989) .... Travis
40. Basements (1987) .... Ben
41. Perfect (1985) .... Adam Lawrence
42. That's Dancing! (1985) .... Himself
43. Olivia Newton-John: Twist of Fate (1984) .... Himself
44. Staying Alive (1983) .... Tony Manero
45. Two of a Kind (1983) .... Zack
46. Blow Out (1981) .... Jack
47. Urban Cowboy (1980) .... Buford 'Bud' Uan Davis
48. Moment by Moment (1978) .... Strip Harrison
49. Grease (1978) .... Danny Zuko
50. Saturday Night Fever (1977) .... Tony Manero
51. Carrie (1976) .... Billy Nolan
52. The Boy in the Plastic Bubble (1976) .... Tod Lubitch
53. The Devil's Rain (1975) .... Danny
54. The Tenth Level (1975)
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