Biografie: Anne Heche, o actrita cunoscuta mai mult � sau mai putin � pentru viata ei particulara decat pentru rolurile sale, isi incepe viata de actrita la Hollywood avand un succes surpinzator si fiind jumatatea lesbiana a unui cuplu celebru.
S-a nascut intr-un oras mic - Aurora, pe 25 mai 1969, si a fost crescuta intr-o familie cu traditie crestina. Norocul insa avea sa vina in 1996, dupa aparitia ei in Walking and Talking, regizat de Nicole Holofcener.
Din filmele in care a jucat enumeram cateva: Milk Money (1994), If These Walls Could Talk (1996), Donnie Brasco (1997), Psycho (1998) si John Q (2002).
The Idol (2022)
1. What Love Is (2007) .... Laura
2. Suffering Man's Charity (2007) .... Helen
3. Superman: Doomsday (2007) .... Lois Lane
4. Fatal Desire (2006) .... Tonya Sullivan
5. Sexual Life (2005) .... Gwen
6. Silver Bells (2005) .... Catherine O'Mara
7. True (2005)
8. Birth (2004) .... Clara
9. The Dead Will Tell (2004) .... Emily Parker
10. John Q (2002) .... Rebecca Payne
11. Behind the Scenes of 'John Q' (2002) .... Herself
12. Prozac Nation (2001) .... Dr. Sterling
13. Auggie Rose (2000) .... Lucy
14. The Third Miracle (1999) .... Roxane
15. Psycho (1998) .... Marion Crane
16. Return to Paradise (1998) .... Beth Eastern
17. Six Days Seven Nights (1998) .... Robin Monroe
18. Wag the Dog (1997) .... Winifred Ames
19. I Know What You Did Last Summer (1997) .... Melissa 'Missy' Egan
20. Volcano (1997) .... Dr. Amy Barnes
21. Donnie Brasco (1997) .... Maggie Pistone
22. Pie in the Sky (1996) .... Amy
23. The Juror (1996) .... Juliet
24. Walking and Talking (1996) .... Laura
25. Wild Side (1995) .... Alex Lee/Johanna
26. Kingfish: A Story of Huey P. Long (1995) .... Aileen Dumont
27. Milk Money (1994) .... Betty
28. A Simple Twist of Fate (1994) .... Tanny's Playmate
29. I'll Do Anything (1994) .... Claire
30. Girls in Prison (1994) .... Jennifer
31. Against the Wall (1994) .... Sharon
32. The Investigator (1994) .... Lucinda
33. The Adventures of Huck Finn (1993) .... Mary Jane Wilks
34. An Ambush of Ghosts (1993) .... Denise
35. O Pioneers! (1992) .... Marie
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