Biografie John Wayne
In 11 iunie 1979, moare John Wayne. Vedeta care a jucat in nenumarate filme western s-a luptat cu cancerul vreme de peste un deceniu. Numele real al lui Wayne a fost Marion Michael Morrison si s-a nascut in 1908, la Iowa. In copilarie s-a mutat la Glendale, California. Dupa ce a jucat cu succes fotbal american la Liceul din Glendale, s-a inscris la Universitatea din California de Sud, pe baza de bursa, insa a renuntat la facultate dupa doi ani.In timp ce lucra intr-un studio de film, s-a imprietenit cu John Ford, un regizor aflat in ascensiune. Wayne a jucat roluri mici, cu numele de scena Duke Morrison (o porecla din copilarie, provenita de la cainele familiei, care-l insotea aproape permanent pe Marion). In 1930, un prieten din facultate, Raoul Walsh, l-a distribuit in primul sau rol principal, platit cu 75 de dolari pe saptamana, in filmul The Big Trail, care a fost un esec lamentabil.
In anul urmator, studioul Fox a renuntat la serviciile lui Wayne. Dupa ce a plecat de la Fox, Wayne a lucrat la LoneStar/Monogram, unde a jucat in 16 westernuri mediocre, intre 1933 si 1935. Turnand uneori doua westernuri pe saptamana, Wayne a jucat mai multe personaje dure si necizelate. In 1939, Wayne a resusit in sfarsit sa se impuna, atunci cand vechiul sau prieten John Ford l-a distribuit in filmul Stagecoach. Dupa aceea, Wayne a interpretat eroi memorabili in numeroase filme. In 1969, a castigat Oscarul pentru rolul sau din filmul True Grit.
In patru decenii de actorie, Wayne a aparut in 250 de filme. Dintre acestea, majoritatea au fost regizate de Ford, iar cele mai importante filme ale sale au fost She Wore a Yellow Ribbon (1949) si The Quiet Man (1952). John Wayne a fost casatorit de trei ori si a avut sapte copii si 16 nepoti.
Filme western si nu numai cu John Wayne:
1. Ca détourne (1992) .... MC François2. That's Action (1977) .... Himself
3. The Shootist (1976) .... J.B. Books
4. America Salutes Richard Rodgers: The Sound of His Music (1976) .... Himself
5. Rooster Cogburn (1975) .... Rooster Cogburn
6. Brannigan (1975) .... Lt. Jim Brannigan
7. McQ (1974) .... Det. Lt. Lon McQ
8. John Wayne and Glen Campbell & the Musical West (1974) .... Himself
9. Cahill U.S. Marshal (1973) .... U.S. Marshal J.D. Cahill
10. The Train Robbers (1973) .... Lane
11. Cancel My Reservation (1972) .... John Wayne
12. The Cowboys (1972) .... Wil Andersen
13. Big Jake (1971) .... Jacob 'Big Jake' McCandles
14. The Selling of the Pentagon (1971) .... Himself
15. Rio Lobo (1970) .... Col. Cord McNally
16. Chisum (1970) .... John Simpson Chisum
17. Raquel! (1970) .... Himself
18. The Undefeated (1969) .... Col. John Henry Thomas
19. True Grit (1969) .... Rooster Cogburn
20. Hellfighters (1968) .... Chance Buckman
21. The Green Berets (1968) .... Col. Mike Kirby
22. The War Wagon (1967) .... Taw Jackson
23. El Dorado (1966) .... Cole Thornton
24. Cast a Giant Shadow (1966) .... Gen. Mike Randolph
25. In Harm's Way (1965) .... Capt./RAdm. Rockwell Torrey
26. The Sons of Katie Elder (1965) .... John Elder
27. The Greatest Story Ever Told (1965) .... Centurion at crucifixion
28. Circus World (1964) .... Matt Masters
29. Donovan's Reef (1963) .... Michael Patrick 'Guns' Donovan
30. McLintock! (1963) .... Mc Clintock
31. How the West Was Won (1962) .... Gen. William Tecumseh Sherman
32. The Longest Day (1962) .... Lt. Col. Benjamin Vandervoort
33. Hatari! (1962) .... Sean Mercer
34. The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance (1962) .... Tom Doniphon
35. 'Neath Arizona Skies (1962) .... John Martin
36. The Comancheros (1961) .... Ranger Capt. Jake Cutter
37. 10 del Texas, I (1961)
38. North to Alaska (1960) .... Sam McCord
39. The Alamo (1960) .... Col. Davy Crockett
40. The Horse Soldiers (1959) .... Col. John Marlowe
41. Rio Bravo (1959) .... Sheriff John T. Chance
42. The Barbarian and the Geisha (1958) .... Townsend Harris
43. I Married a Woman (1958) .... John Wayne/Leonard
44. Legend of the Lost (1957) .... Joe January
45. Jet Pilot (1957) .... Col. Jim Shannon
46. The Wings of Eagles (1957) .... Frank W. 'Spig' Wead
47. The Searchers (1956) .... Ethan Edwards
48. The Conqueror (1956) .... Temujin, later Genghis Khan
49. Blood Alley (1955) .... Capt. Tom Wilder
50. The Sea Chase (1955) .... Capt. Karl Ehrlich
51. The High and the Mighty (1954) .... Dan Roman
52. Hondo (1953) .... Hondo Lane
53. Island in the Sky (1953) .... Capt. Dooley
54. Trouble Along the Way (1953) .... Steve Aloysius Williams
55. Three Lives (1953) .... Commentator
56. Big Jim McLain (1952) .... James 'Jim' McLain
57. The Quiet Man (1952) .... Sean Thornton
58. Miracle in Motion (1952) .... Narrator
59. Flying Leathernecks (1951) .... Maj. Daniel Xavier 'Dan' Kirby
60. Operation Pacific (1951) .... Lt Cmdr. Duke E. Gifford, XO, Thunderfish
61. Screen Snapshots: Reno's Silver Spur Awards (1951) .... Himself
62. Rio Grande (1950) .... Lt. Col. Kirby Yorke
63. Sands of Iwo Jima (1949) .... Sgt. John M. Stryker
64. She Wore a Yellow Ribbon (1949) .... Capt. of Cavalry Nathan Cutting Brittles
65. The Fighting Kentuckian (1949) .... John Breen
66. Screen Snapshots: Hollywood Rodeo (1949) .... Himself
67. Fort Apache (1948) .... Capt. Kirby York
68. Wake of the Red Witch (1948) .... Capt. Ralls
69. 3 Godfathers (1948) .... Robert 'Bob'Marmaduke Sangster Hightower
70. Red River (1948) .... Thomas 'Tom' Dunson
71. Tycoon (1947) .... Johnny Munroe
72. Angel and the Badman (1947) .... Quirt Evans
73. Without Reservations (1946) .... Rusty Thomas
74. Desert Command (1946) .... Tom Wayne
75. Back to Bataan (1945) .... Col. Joseph Madden
76. Dakota (1945) .... John Devlin
77. They Were Expendable (1945) .... Lt.
78. Flame of Barbary Coast (1945) .... Duke Fergus
79. Tall in the Saddle (1944) .... Rocklin
80. The Fighting Seabees (1944) .... Wedge Donovan
81. In Old Oklahoma (1943) .... Daniel F. 'Dan' Somers
82. A Lady Takes a Chance (1943) .... Duke Hudkins
83. Reunion in France (1942) .... Pat Talbot, RAF pilot
84. Pittsburgh (1942) .... Charles 'Pittsburgh' Markham/Charles Ellis
85. Flying Tigers (1942) .... Capt. Jim Gordon
86. In Old California (1942) .... Tom Craig
87. The Spoilers (1942) .... Roy Glennister
88. Reap the Wild Wind (1942) .... Captain Jack Stuart
89. Lady for a Night (1942) .... Jackson 'Jack' Morgan
90. The Shepherd of the Hills (1941) .... Young Matt
91. Lady from Louisiana (1941) .... John Reynolds
92. A Man Betrayed (1941) .... Lynn Hollister
93. Seven Sinners (1940) .... Lt. Dan Brent
94. The Long Voyage Home (1940) .... Ole Olsen
95. Three Faces West (1940) .... John Phillips
96. Dark Command (1940) .... Bob 'Shortcut' Seton
97. Allegheny Uprising (1939) .... James 'Jim' Smith
98. New Frontier (1939) .... Stony Brooke
99. Wyoming Outlaw (1939) .... Stony Brooke
100. Three Texas Steers (1939) .... Stony Brooke
101. The Night Riders (1939) .... Stony Brooke
102. Stagecoach (1939) .... The Ringo Kid
103. Red River Range (1938) .... Stony Brook/Benson
104. Santa Fe Stampede (1938) .... Stony Brooke
105. Overland Stage Raiders (1938) .... Stony Brooke
106. Pals of the Saddle (1938) .... Stony Brooke, aka Ezeckial Saunders
107. Born to the West (1937) .... Dare Rudd
108. Adventure's End (1937) .... Duke Slade
109. Idol of the Crowds (1937) .... Johnny Hansen
110. I Cover the War (1937) .... Bob Adams
111. California Straight Ahead! (1937) .... Biff Smith
112. Conflict (1936) .... Pat Glendon, aka as 'Farmer' Jones
113. Sea Spoilers (1936) .... 'Boson' Bob Randall
114. Winds of the Wasteland (1936) .... John Blair
115. The Lonely Trail (1936) .... Capt. John Ashley
116. King of the Pecos (1936) .... John Clayborn
117. The Lawless Nineties (1936) .... John Tipton
118. The Oregon Trail (1936) .... Capt John Delmont
119. Lawless Range (1935) .... John Middleton, aka John Allen
120. The New Frontier (1935) .... John Dawson
121. Westward Ho (1935) .... John Wyatt/John Allen
122. Paradise Canyon (1935) .... John Wyatt aka John Rogers
123. The Dawn Rider (1935) .... John Mason
124. The Desert Trail (1935) .... John Scott, aka John Jones
125. Rainbow Valley (1935) .... John Martin
126. Texas Terror (1935) .... Sheriff John Higgins
127. 'Neath the Arizona Skies (1934) .... Chris Morrell
128. The Lawless Frontier (1934) .... John Tobin
129. The Trail Beyond (1934) .... Rod Drew
130. The Star Packer (1934) .... U.S. Marshal John Travers
131. Randy Rides Alone (1934) .... Randy Bowers
132. The Man from Utah (1934) .... John Weston
133. Blue Steel (1934) .... John Carruthers
134. West of the Divide (1934) .... Ted Hayden, posing as Gat Ganns
135. The Lucky Texan (1934) .... Jerry Mason
136. Sagebrush Trail (1933) .... John Brant
137. College Coach (1933) .... Student greeting Phil
138. Riders of Destiny (1933) .... Singin' Sandy Saunders
139. The Man From Monterey (1933) .... Captain John Holmes
140. Baby Face (1933) .... Jimmy McCoy Jr.
141. The Life of Jimmy Dolan (1933) .... Smith
142. His Private Secretary (1933) .... Dick Wallace
143. Somewhere in Sonora (1933) .... John Bishop
144. Central Airport (1933) .... Co-pilot in Wreck
145. The Three Musketeers (1933) .... Lt. Tom Wayne, USA
146. The Telegraph Trail (1933) .... John Trent
147. Haunted Gold (1932) .... John Mason
148. The Big Stampede (1932) .... Deputy Sheriff John Steele
149. That's My Boy (1932) .... Football Player
150. Ride Him, Cowboy (1932) .... John Drury
151. The Hollywood Handicap (1932)
152. The Hurricane Express (1932) .... Larry Baker, pilot
153. Lady and Gent (1932) .... Buzz Kinney
154. Two-Fisted Law (1932) .... Duke
155. Texas Cyclone (1932) .... Steve Pickett
156. The Shadow of the Eagle (1932) .... Craig McCoy
157. Running Hollywood (1932)
158. The Voice of Hollywood No. 13 (1932) .... Announcer
159. Maker of Men (1931) .... Dusty Rhodes
160. Range Feud (1931) .... Clint Turner
161. The Deceiver (1931) .... Richard Thorpe as a corpse
162. Arizona (1931) .... Lt. Bob Denton
163. Three Girls Lost (1931) .... Gordon Wales
164. Girls Demand Excitement (1931) .... Peter Brooks
165. The Big Trail (1930) .... Breck Coleman, wagon train scout
166. Cheer Up and Smile (1930) .... Bit Part
167. Rough Romance (1930) .... Lumberjack
168. Born Reckless (1930) .... Extra
169. Men Without Women (1930) .... Radioman on surface
170. The Forward Pass (1929) .... Extra
171. Salute (1929) .... Bill (midshipman)
172. Words and Music (1929) .... Pete Donahue
173. The Black Watch (1929) .... Extra
174. Speakeasy (1929) .... Extra
175. Hangman's House (1928) .... Horse Race Spectator/Condemned Man in Flashback
176. Four Sons (1928) .... Extra
177. Mother Machree (1928) .... Extra
178. The Drop Kick (1927) .... USC Football Player
179. Annie Laurie (1927) .... Extra
180. The Great K & A Train Robbery (1926) .... Extra
181. Bardelys the Magnificent (1926) .... Guard
182. Brown of Harvard (1926) .... Yale Football Player
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