Biografie: Bine cunoscuta ca fiind lidera controversata a formatiei rock Hole si pentru casatoria ei cu Kurt Cobain de la Nirvana, Courtney Love, este de asemeni cunoscuta si ca actrita. Cel mai important rol al sau a fost in The People Vs. Larry Flynt (1996), cu care a fost nominalizata la Globul de Aur.
S-a nascut in San Francisco si a crescut in Oregon, fiica a terapistei Linda Carroll si a apreciatului ei tata biograful si editor Hank Harrison. Cand Love a devenit interesata de actorie s-a mutat in Los Angeles, unde a debutat in Sid and Nancy (1986). Love a mai aparut intr-un alt film punk rock Straight to Hell (1987). In primavara anului 1994, la un an dupa nasterea fetitei lor, Cobain s-a sinucis. In acel moment cuplul era deja pregatit sa divorteze, Cobain avea probleme mari de sanatate.
O mai putem vedea in: Man on the Moon (1999), 200 Cigarettes (1999), Beat (2000), Last Party 2001 (2001), Trapped (2002) si 24 Hours (2002).
1. The 2006 Billboard Music Awards (2006) .... Herself
2. Trailer for a Remake of Gore Vidal's Caligula (2005) .... Caligula
3. Trapped (2002) .... Cheryl Hickey
4. Julie Johnson (2001) .... Claire
5. 100 Most Shocking Moments in Rock and Roll History (2001) .... Herself
6. Last Party 2000 (2001) .... Herself
7. Crossover (2001) .... Herself
8. Eminem: Behind the Mask (2001) .... Herself
9. Beat (2000) .... Joan Vollmer Burroughs
10. Jim Carrey Uncensored (2000) .... Herself
11. Man on the Moon (1999) .... Lynne Margulies
12. 200 Cigarettes (1999) .... Lucy
13. Clara Bow: Discovering the It Girl (1999) .... Herself
14. Kurt & Courtney (1998) .... Herself
15. MTV Video Music Awards 1998 (1998) .... Herself
16. 1997 VH1 Fashion Awards (1997) .... Herself
17. The People vs. Larry Flynt (1996) .... Althea Leasure
18. Feeling Minnesota (1996) .... Rhonda the Waitress
19. Basquiat (1996) .... Big Pink
20. Tapeheads (1988) .... Norman's Spanker
21. Straight to Hell (1987) .... Velma
22. Sid and Nancy (1986) .... Gretchen
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