William Forsythe a inceput sa joace la varsta de 10 ani, in orasul sau natal, Brooklyn, in productii scolare sau locale.
La varsta de 16 ani era deja actor in productii off-Broadway. Cand avea putin peste 20 de ani, Forsythe s-a mutat la Los Angeles, unde a avut parte de un mic rol in filmul Smokey Bites the Dust.
Acel an a marcat debutul sau la televiziune, cu rolul din filmul The Miracle of Kathy Miller. Forsythe a continuat sa apara ca invitat in diverse productii TV din anii ’80, cum ar fi CHiPs, Hill Street Blues si Fame.
Rolul sau de mare succes a fost alaturi de Robert De Niro si James Woods in filmul cu gangsteri , Once Upon a Time in America.
Forsythe a mai impresionat cu prestatia sa in doua filme foarte diferite din 1987 : filmul lui Joel si Ethan Coen Raising Arizona and Weeds, o drama despre o trupa de teatru dintr-o inchisoare.
Forsythe a continuat sa apara in roluri memorabile, cum ar fi rolul Teko din filmul lui Paul Schrader Patty Hearst, rolul Flattop din Dick Tracy; periculosul asociat JD al lui Edward James Olmos din drama American Me si rolurile din filmele Bloss si rolul unui paraplegic din filmul The Waterdance , ambele filme fiind realizate in 1992.
Forsythe a mai jucat in filmul serial, in care detine rolul Al Capone, The Untouchables, realizat in perioada 1993-94.
Se intelege de la sine cat de potrivit este in rolul de tip dur in acest serial. A continuat sa apara in filme artistice atat in perioada cat a jucat in acest serial, cat si dupa aceea.
A jucat in filmul din 1995 Things to Do in Denver When You're Dead. Forsythe a avut sansa de a-si arata latura blanda si comica in rolul micului hot care se indragosteste de o vanzatoare, in filmul Palookaville 1995.
A mai avut roluri in filme cum ar fi Freedomland, The Devil's Rejects, The L.A. Riot Spectacular, The Librarians, The Last Letter, The Technical Writer, City by the Sea, Run for the Money, Coastlines, Blue Hill Avenue, Camouflage, Outlaw, G-Men from Hell, Luck of the Draw, Row Your Boat, Civility, The Last Marshal, Blue Streak, Four Days, Blues, Deuce, 18 Shades of Dust, Paradise Lost, Dead, Hell’s Kitchen, Soundman, Ambushed, The Pass, Firestorm, The Rock , For Which He Stands, Beyond Desire si The Substitute.
In plus, Forsythe a incheiat recent filmarile pentru productiile Hack! si Jam.
1. Southern Gothic (2007) (în producţie).... Pitt
2. Final Approach (2008) .... Silas Johannsen
3. Hack! (2007) .... Willy
4. The Unlikely's (2007) .... Jet Black
5. 88 Minutes (2007) .... Frank Parks
6. Halloween (2007) .... Ronnie White
7. Freedomland (2006) .... Boyle
8. The Devil's Rejects (2005) .... Sheriff Wydell
9. The L.A. Riot Spectacular (2005) .... George Holliday
10. Live to Ride (2005) .... Steel
11. Larva (2005) .... Jacob Long
12. Hammerhead: Shark Frenzy (2005) .... Tom Reed
13. The Last Letter (2004) .... Mr. Griffith
14. The Technical Writer (2003) .... Joe
15. The Librarians (2003) .... Agent Simon
16. City by the Sea (2002) .... Spyder
17. Buying the Cow (2002) .... Gay Bartender
18. Run for the Money (2002) .... Bo Young
19. Coastlines (2002) .... Fred Vance
20. Blue Hill Avenue (2001) .... Det. Torrance
21. Camouflage (2001) .... Alton Owens
22. Outlaw (2001)
23. G-Men from Hell (2000) .... Dean Crept
24. Luck of the Draw (2000) .... Max Fenton
25. Row Your Boat (2000) .... Gil Meadows
26. Civility (2000) .... Andrew
27. The Last Marshal (1999) .... DeClerc
28. Blue Streak (1999) .... Detective Hardcastle
29. Four Days (1999) .... Milt
30. Big City Blues (1999) .... Hudson
31. Deuce Bigalow: Male Gigolo (1999) .... Detective Chuck Fowler
32. 18 Shades of Dust (1999) .... Tommy Cucci
33. Paradise Lost (1999) .... Mike Stark
34. Hell's Kitchen (1998) .... Lou Reilly
35. Soundman (1998) .... Frank Rosenfeld
36. Ambushed (1998) .... Mike Organski
37. The Pass (1998) .... Charles Duprey
38. Firestorm (1998) .... Randall Alexander Shaye
39. Dollar for the Dead (1998) .... Dooley
40. First Time Felon (1997) .... Sorley
41. The Rock (1996) .... Special Agent Ernest Paxton
42. For Which He Stands (1996) .... Johnny Rochetti
43. Beyond Desire (1996) .... Ray Patterson
44. The Substitute (1996) .... Hollan
45. Rule of Three (1996) .... Mitch
46. Gotti (1996) .... Sammy Gravano
47. Stories from the Edge (1996) .... (segment "Peacock Blues")
48. Peacock Blues (1996)
49. Palookaville (1995) .... Sid Dunleavy
50. Virtuosity (1995) .... William Cochran
51. Things to Do in Denver When You're Dead (1995) .... Franchise
52. The Immortals (1995) .... Tim James
53. Direct Hit (1994) .... Hatch
54. Lives in Hazard (1994) .... Himself
55. Relentless 3 (1993) .... Walter Hilderman
56. A Kiss to Die For (1993) .... Detective Mike Stoller
57. The Gun in Betty Lou's Handbag (1992) .... William 'Billy' Beaudeen
58. American Me (1992) .... J.D.
59. The Waterdance (1992) .... Bloss
60. Stone Cold (1991) .... Ice
61. Out for Justice (1991) .... Richie Madano
62. Career Opportunities (1991) .... Custodian
63. Dick Tracy (1990) .... Flattop
64. Torrents of Spring (1989) .... Polozov
65. Dead Bang (1989) .... Arthur Kressler
66. Sons (1989) .... Mikey
67. Patty Hearst (1988) .... Toko
68. Baja Oklahoma (1988) .... Tommy Earl Browner
69. Weeds (1987) .... Burt the Booster
70. Extreme Prejudice (1987) .... Sgt. Buck Atwater
71. Raising Arizona (1987) .... Evelle Snoats
72. The Lightship (1986) .... Gene
73. Savage Dawn (1985) .... Pigiron
74. Command 5 (1985) .... Hawk
75. Once Upon a Time in America (1984) .... Philip 'Cockeye' Stein
76. Cloak & Dagger (1984) .... Morris
77. The Man Who Wasn't There (1983) .... Pug Face Crusher
78. Tales of the Gold Monkey (1982) .... Kurt
79. Smokey Bites the Dust (1981) .... Kenny
80. King of the Mountain (1981) .... Big Tom
81. The Miracle of Kathy Miller (1981) .... Mark
82. Long Shot (1980) .... Bille
83. Sector 13 (1982)
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