Actrita Vivica A. Fox a atras atentia pentru performantele ei in care combina discutiile impertinente cu clasa, inca de la debutul ei pe marele ecran in 1989 in Born on the Fourth of July. S-a nascut in Indianapolis, pe 30 iulie 1964, si a avut prima aparitie in televiziune intr-un serial tv. Days of Our Lives.
Dupa debutul in filmul lui Oliver Stone, Born on the Fourth of July, actrita a continuat sa lucreze in televiziune si ocazional pe marele ecran. A fost apreciata pentru rolul alaturi de Will Smith in marele succes Ziua Independenței / Independence Day (1996); pentru rolul ei - alaturi de Will Smith - Vivica A. Fox a castigat premiul pentru cel mai bun sarut la MTV Award.
Vivica A. Fox a jucat in filme variate, de la drama romantica Soul Food (1997), in care avea rolul uneia dintre surori (celelalte doua fiind Vanessa L. Williams si Nia Long), Batman & Robin (1997), in care a jucat femeia fatala Ms. B. Haven, la Why Do Fools Fall in Love (1998), unde avea un rolul apreciat de critici de altfel, al cantaretei Frankie Lymon.
Pe langa munca din film Vivica A. Fox continua sa apara si pe micul ecran, printre cele mai impresionante roluri fiind Fox Dr. Lillian Price in drama City of Angels.
1. Caught on Tape (2008) .... Nadine
2. Kickin It Old Skool / Kickin' It Old Skool (2007) .... Roxanne Jackson
3. Motives 2 (2007) .... Connie Simms
4. Father of Lies (2007) .... Barbara Robinson
5. Cover (2007) .... Zahara Milton
6. San Saba (2007) .... Kate
7. The Hard Corps (2006) .... Tamara Barclay
8. Citizen Duane (2006) .... Miss Houston
9. Getting Played (2005) .... Andrea Collins
10. The Salon (2005) .... Jenny
11. The Black Movie Awards (2005) .... Herself
12. BET Awards 2005 (2005) .... Herself
13. Ultimate Superheroes, Vixens & Villains (2005) .... Herself
14. Kill Bill: Vol. 2 (2004) .... Vernita Green - 'Copperhead'
15. Blast! (2004) .... Agent Reed
16. Ella Enchanted (2004) .... Lucinda Perryweather
17. Motives (2004) .... Constance Simms
18. 2004 MTV Movie Awards (2004) .... Herself - Presenter
19. Hair Show (2004) .... Herself
20. The Making of 'Kill Bill: Volume 2' (2004) .... Vernita Green
21. Kill Bill: Vol. 1 (2003) .... Vernita Green
22. Ride or Die (2003) .... Lisa
23. 9th Annual Soul Train Lady of Soul Awards (2003) .... Herself
24. Kim Possible: A Sitch in Time (2003) .... Future Monique
25. VH1 Big in 03 (2003) .... Herself
26. Boat Trip (2002) .... Felicia
27. Juwanna Mann (2002) .... Michelle Langford
28. Little Secrets (2001) .... Pauline
29. Two Can Play That Game (2001) .... Shante Smith
30. Kingdom Come (2001) .... Lucille Slocumb
31. Double Take (2001) .... Shari
32. Intimate Portrait: Lela Rochon (2001) .... Herself
33. 2001 ALMA Awards (2001) .... Herself - Presenter
34. Teaching Mrs. Tingle (1999) .... Miss Gold
35. Idle Hands (1999) .... Debi LeCure
36. A Saintly Switch (1999) .... Sara Anderson
37. Why Do Fools Fall In Love (1998) .... Elizabeth 'Mickey' Waters
38. Essence Awards (1998) .... Herself - Co-Host
39. Soul Food (1997) .... Maxine
40. Batman & Robin / Batman și Robin (1997) .... Ms. B. Haven
41. Booty Call (1997) .... Lysterine
42. Set It Off (1996) .... Francesca 'Frankie' Sutton
43. Independence Day / Ziua Independenței (1996) .... Jasmine Dubrow
44. Don't Be a Menace to South Central While Drinking Your Juice in the Hood (1996) .... Ashtray's mother
45. Born on the Fourth of July / Născut pe 4 iulie (1989) .... Hooker (VA hospital)
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