Selma Blair a devenit cunoscuta la sfarsitul anilor '90, prin filmele pentru adolescenti. Nascuta si educata in Michigan, Blair se muta la New York pentru a incepe o cariera ca fotograf, dar ajunge sa ia lectii de actorie la Stella Adler Conservatory. Dupa ce a fost descoperita de un agent, Blair a jucat in roluri substantiale in filme independente: Strong Island Boys (1997), Girl (1998) si Brown's Requiem (1998) si in filmul pentru televiziune No Laughing Matter (1997). Ajunge cu adevarat, proverbial, sa fie luata in vedere in 1999 cand a aparut in rolul Zoe in serialul Zoe, Duncan, Jack, and Jane (reintitulat Zoe in 2000) si mai izbitor, in rolul Cecile Caldwell in popularul Les Liaisons Dangereuses, actualizat in Cruel Intentions (1999). Luand o pauza de la spuma Hollywood-iana, Blair a aparut in rolul unei eleve intr-o scoala mixta care avea o intalnire fatala cu profesorul ei, in filmul independent al lui Todd Solondz, Storytelling (2001).
1. My Mom's New Boyfriend (2008) .... Emily
2. Hellboy 2: The Golden Army (2008) .... Liz Sherman
3. Hellboy Animated: Blood and Iron (2007) .... Liz Sherman
4. Feast of Love (2007) .... Kathryn
5. Waz (2007) .... Jean Lerner
6. Hellboy Animated: Sword of Storms (2006) .... Liz Sherman
7. The Alibi (2006) .... Adelle
8. The Alibi (2006) .... Adelle
9. The Fog (2005) .... Stevie Wayne
10. Pretty Persuasion (2005) .... Grace Anderson
11. The Deal (2005) .... Abbey Gallagher
12. The Big Empty (2005) .... Alice
13. The 20th IFP Independent Spirit Awards (2005) .... Herself
14. In Good Company (2004) .... Kimberly
15. Hellboy (2004) .... Liz Sherman
16. A Dirty Shame (2004) .... Caprice Stickles
17. Coast to Coast (2004) .... Stacey Pierce
18. DeMarco Affairs (2004) .... Kate DeMarco
19. A Guy Thing / Tipic masculin (2003) .... Karen
20. Dallas 362 (2003) .... Peg
21. Bachelor Party Confidential (2003) .... Herself
22. Inside 'A Guy Thing' (2003) .... Herself
23. The Sweetest Thing / Puicuțe bune (2002) .... Jane Burns
24. Highway (2002) .... Cassie
25. The Teen Choice Awards 2002 (2002) .... Herself - Presenter
26. Reel Comedy: The Sweetest Thing (2002) .... Herself
27. Legally Blonde (2001) .... Vivian Kensington
28. Storytelling (2001) .... Vi ('Fiction')
29. Kill Me Later (2001) .... Shawn Holloway
30. Inside 'Legally Blonde' (2001) .... Herself
31. Down to You / Îndrăgostiți... ca la 16 ani (2000) .... Cyrus
32. Cruel Intentions (1999) .... Cecile Caldwell
33. Girl (1998) .... Darcy
34. Debutante (1998) .... Nan
35. Can't Hardly Wait (1998) .... Girl Mike Hits On #1
36. No Laughing Matter (1998) .... Lauren Winslow
37. Brown's Requiem (1998) .... Jane
38. Scream 2 (1997) .... Cici's Friend on Phone
39. In & Out (1997) .... Cousin Linda
40. Strong Island Boys (1997) .... Tara
41. Amazon High (1997) .... Cyane
42. Arresting Gena (1997) .... Drugged Woman
43. Gone Again (1997) .... Ayla
44. Two in the Morning (1997) .... Shea
45. Kids in the Hall: Brain Candy (1996) .... Girl at rock concert
46. The Broccoli Theory (1996) .... Pretzel Cart Lesbian
47. Chlorine (2007) .... Elise
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