Biografie: Desi Peter O'Toole mentioneaza ca loc de nastere Connemara, County Galway, actorul sugereaza ca de fapt locul de nastere ar putea fi Kerry, Dublin, sau Leeds. Dupa ce a efectuat serviciul militar in Marea Britanie in marina regala, Peter s-a inscris la Royal Academy of Dramatic Art (1952-1954) fiind respins de Abbey Theatre's Drama School din Dublin pentru ca nu putea vorbi limba irlandeza.
A inceput cariera de actor, foarte apreciat in piesele lui Shakespeare apoi a debutat in televiziune in 1954. O'Toole s-a remarcat atunci cand a fost ales pentru rolul T.E. Lawrence in productia Lawrence of Arabia (1962). Acest rol i-a adus o nominalizare la premiile Oscar pentru titlul de cel mai bun actor.
O'Toole a mai primit sase nominalizari la Oscar pentru cal mai bun actor dar nu a castigat niciodata titlul. In 2003, Academia i-a rasplatit performantele cu un premiu pentru intreaga activitate in slujba filmului. O'Toole a refuzat initial premiul pentru ca se considera inca in putere. In cele din urma s-a prezentat la ceremoie pentru a-si ridica premiul.
In 2005 a aparut pentru scurt timp in versiunea povestii legendarului Giacomo Casanova la BBC.
In 1999 O'Toole a castigat un premiu Emmy pentru rolul din mini-seria Ioana D'Arc.
In 1960 s-a casatorit cu actrita irlandeza Siân Phillips, cu care are doua fiice. Cei doi au divortat in1979. O'Toole nu s-a recasatorit. Are un fiu cu Karen Brown.
Grav bolnav din cauza consumului de alcool, O'Toole a pierdut incet incet in operatii pancreasul, stomacul si s-a imbolnavit de diabet. Dupa reabilitare O'Toole a mai aparut in 1987 in The Last Emperor si multe alte filme.
1. Gilgamesh (2005) (în producţie).... Priest
2. Love and Virtue (2008) .... Atlantes
3. Ratatouille (2007) .... Anton Ego
4. Stardust (2007) .... King
5. One Night with the King (2006) .... Samuel, the Prophet
6. Venus (2006) .... Maurice
7. Lassie (2005) .... The Duke
8. Troy (2004) .... Priam
9. Mystic India (2004) .... (narrator)
10. Bright Young Things (2003) .... Colonel Blount
11. Hitler: The Rise of Evil (2003) .... President Paul von Hindenburg
12. Imperium: Augustus (2003) .... Augustus
13. The Final Curtain (2002) .... J.J. Curtis
14. Global Heresy (2002) .... Lord Charles Foxley
15. The Sinister Saga of Making 'The Stunt Man' (2000) .... Himself
16. The Making of 'Lawrence of Arabia' (2000) .... Himself
17. Molokai: The Story of Father Damien (1999) .... William Williamson
18. The Manor (1999) .... Mr. Ravenscroft
19. Joan of Arc (1999) .... Bishop Cauchon
20. Jeffrey Bernard Is Unwell (1999) .... Jeffrey Bernard
21. Phantoms (1998) .... Dr. Timothy Flyte
22. Coming Home (1998) .... Colonel Carey-Lewis
23. FairyTale: A True Story (1997) .... Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
24. Gulliver's Travels (1996) .... Emperor of Lilliput
25. Heavy Weather (1995) .... Clarence, Earl of Emsworth
26. Heaven & Hell: North & South, Book III (1994) .... Sam Trump
27. The Seventh Coin (1993) .... Emil Saber
28. Isabelle Eberhardt (1992) .... Maj. Lyautey
29. Rebecca's Daughters (1992) .... Lord Sarn
30. Civvies (1992) .... Barry Newman
31. King Ralph (1991) .... Sir Cedric Willingham
32. The Nutcracker Prince (1990) .... Pantaloon
33. Wings of Fame (1990) .... Cesar Valentin
34. The Rainbow Thief (1990) .... Prince Meleagre
35. Crossing to Freedom (1990) .... John Sidney Howard
36. In una notte di chiaro di luna (1989) .... Prof. Yan McShoul
37. High Spirits (1988) .... Peter Plunkett
38. The Last Emperor (1987) .... Reginald Johnston
39. The Dark Angel (1987) .... Uncle Silas
40. Club Paradise (1986) .... Governor Anthony Cloyden Hayes
41. Creator (1985) .... Harry
42. Supergirl (1984) .... Zaltar
43. Sherlock Holmes and a Study in Scarlet (1983) .... Sherlock Holmes
44. Sherlock Holmes and the Baskerville Curse (1983) .... Sherlock Holmes
45. Sherlock Holmes and the Sign of Four (1983) .... Sherlock Holmes
46. Sherlock Holmes and the Valley of Fear (1983) .... Sherlock Holmes
47. Svengali (1983) .... Anton Bosnyak
48. Pygmalion (1983) .... Professor Henry Higgins
49. My Favorite Year (1982) .... Alan Swann
50. Man and Superman (1982) .... Jack Tanner
51. Masada (1981) .... General Cornelius Flavius Silva
52. The Stunt Man (1980) .... Eli Cross
53. Zulu Dawn (1979) .... Lord Chelmsford
54. Caligola (1979) .... Emperor Tiberius Caesar
55. Power Play (1978) .... Colonel Zeller
56. Foxtrot (1976) .... Liviu
57. Rogue Male (1976) .... Capt. Robert Thorndyke
58. Man Friday (1975) .... Robinson Crusoe
59. Rosebud (1975) .... Larry Martin
60. Man of La Mancha (1972) .... Don Quixote de La Mancha/Miguel de Cervantes/Alonso Quijana
61. The Ruling Class (1972) .... Jack Gurney, 14th Earl of Gurney
62. Under Milk Wood (1972) .... Captain Cat
63. Murphy's War (1971) .... Murphy
64. Country Dance (1970) .... Sir Charles Ferguson
65. Goodbye, Mr. Chips (1969) .... Arthur Chipping
66. Great Catherine (1968) .... Capt. Charles Edstaston
67. The Lion in Winter (1968) .... Henry II
68. Casino Royale (1967) .... Piper
69. The Night of the Generals (1967) .... General Tanz
70. How to Steal a Million (1966) .... Simon Dermott
71. The Bible: In the Beginning... (1966) .... The Three Angels
72. The Sandpiper (1965)
73. What's New, Pussycat (1965) .... Michael James
74. Lord Jim (1965) .... Lord Jim
75. Becket (1964) .... King Henry II
76. Lawrence of Arabia (1962) .... T.E. Lawrence
77. The Day They Robbed the Bank of England (1960) .... Captain Fitch
78. Kidnapped (1960) .... Robin MacGregor
79. The Savage Innocents (1960) .... First Trooper
80. Romeo and Me (2006)
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