Indragitul actor Dennis Farina era deja bine pozitionat la prima sa slujba, de politist in Chicago, inainte de a deveni actor. Este fiul unor imigranti italieni si a crescut la Chicago. Farina s-a alaturat politiei din orasul sau natal la mijlocul anilor '60, stabilindu-se in slujba legii. Cand a fost angajat pentru a fi consultant local la filmul lui Michael Mann, Thief (1981), Farina sfarseste cu un rol in film. Continua sa apara ca si actor in Final Jeopardy (1985) si alaturi de Chuck Norris in Code of Silence (1985).
Desi nu a luat cu adevarat lecti de actorie, Farina era foarte natural; dupa ce Michael Mann i-a oferit un rol in serialul Crime Story in 1986, Farina pleaca din politie pentru a juca rolul unui politist. Din 1986 pana in 1988 a ramas in televiziune, avand si cateva aparitii in rolul agentului FBI Jack Crawford (rolul lui Scott Glen din Silence of the Lambs - Tăcerea mieilor [1991]) in filmul lui Mann, thriller-ul Manhunter (1986), a fost Birdman of Alcatraz in filmul pentru televiziune Six Against the Rock (1987) si politist in Through Naked Eyes (1987).
Farina se intoarce in televiziune in toamna anului 2002 cu un rol in Meet the Parents si in serialul The In-Laws (2002).
What Happens in Vegas / Mariaj de Vegas (2008)
1. The Grand (2007) .... L.B.J. Deuce Fairbanks
2. You Kill Me / Mă omori cu zile (2007) .... Edward O'Leary
3. National Lampoon's Bag Boy (2007) .... Marty Engstrom
4. Empire Falls (2005) .... Walt Comeau
5. The Making of 'Heat' (2005) .... Himself
6. Paparazzi (2004) .... Detective Burton
7. Scrambled Eggs (2004) .... Dr. Carlson
8. Planet of the Pitts (2004) .... Himself
9. This Old Cub (2004) .... Himself
10. Big Trouble (2002) .... Henry Desalvo
11. Stealing Harvard (2002) .... Mr. Warner
12. Sidewalks of New York (2001) .... Carpo
13. Snatch. (2000) .... Abraham 'Cousin Avi' Denovitz
14. Reindeer Games (2000) .... Jack Bangs
15. Preston Tylk (2000) .... Dick Muller
16. The Mod Squad (1999) .... Captain Adam Greer
17. Saving Private Ryan (1998) .... Lieutenant Colonel Anderson
18. Out of Sight (1998) .... Marshall Sisco
19. Bella Mafia (1997) .... Don Roberto Luciano
20. That Old Feeling (1997) .... Dan De Mora
21. Eddie (1996) .... Coach John Bailey
22. Get Shorty (1995) .... Ray 'Bones' Barboni
23. Perfect Crimes (1995) .... Armand Zarro
24. Bonanza: Under Attack (1995) .... Charley Siringo
25. Out of Annie's Past (1995) .... Charlie Ingle
26. Little Big League (1994) .... George O'Farrell
27. The Corpse Had a Familiar Face (1994) .... Detective Harry Lindstrom
28. One Woman's Courage (1994) .... Craig McKenna
29. Another Stakeout (1993) .... Brian O'Hara
30. Striking Distance (1993) .... Capt. Nick Detillo
31. A Stranger in the Mirror (1993)
32. Romeo Is Bleeding (1993) .... Nick Gazzara
33. The Disappearance of Nora (1993) .... Denton
34. Mac (1992) .... Mr. Stunder
35. Street Crimes (1992) .... Brian
36. Cruel Doubt (1992) .... Tom Brereton
37. We're Talking Serious Money (1992) .... Sal
38. Drug Wars: The Cocaine Cartel (1992) .... Mike Cerone
39. Men of Respect (1991) .... Bankie Como
40. People Like Us (1990) .... Elias Renthall
41. Blind Faith (1990) .... Prosecutor Kelly
42. The Case of the Hillside Stranglers (1989) .... Angelo Buono
43. Midnight Run (1988) .... Jimmy Serrano
44. Open Admissions (1988) .... Fred
45. Six Against the Rock (1987) .... Robert Stroud
46. Manhunter (1986) .... Jack Crawford
47. Crime Story (1986) .... Lt. Mike Torello
48. Jo Jo Dancer, Your Life Is Calling (1986) .... Freddy
49. Triplecross (1986) .... Veteran Cop, Ernie
50. The Birthday Boy (1986)
51. Final Jeopardy (1985) .... Policeman #2
52. Code of Silence (1985) .... Dorato
53. The Killing Floor (1985) .... Supervisor
54. Hard Knox (1984)
55. Through Naked Eyes (1983) .... Patrolman
56. Thief (1981) .... Carl
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